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If I have children will they be okay? Tooo much medicane? Is this NORMAL!?!?!? I'm so tired of this! Somone help!

Fri, 10/13/2006 - 03:27
I posted this before, but here I go againnnn... My docter put me on tegretol, depakote, and he just put me on keppra because he said I wasn't taking enough medicane. Isn't that a lot? I am soon getting engaged and I am worried because I do want to have children soon. And I do know that I can not take depakote or keppra if I am pregnant. I have been on tegretol since I was diagnosed with seizures which was when I was 9, and started taking depakote at 11. I am 19 and I just started keppra and I was wondering if this helps. I really need answers. Is it fine if I keep switching medicanes? Because I don't want to take depakote or keppra anymore. What other medicane can I take to replace there? But anyways, someone please get back to me if you know answers...thanks. My seizures have increased a little, but I still don't see why my nuerologist would put me on all these medications. I am really scared that If I don't take them I'll have more seizures. I asked him if he could take me off both of them and give me a medicane that I would be able to take when I decide on becoming pregnant, but he said he didn't want to switch them, or atleast not yet. I am really scared that this can harm my children. I really don't know what to do. The seizures that I am having are in the morning which are usually 5 seconds long and I do remember them. I usually only have them when I sleep in longer than I should. Right now... I am taking............................ Morning: Keppra 500mg Depakote 500mg Tegretol 400mg Afternoon: Tegretol 400mg Night: Keppra 500mg Tegretol 400mg ................................ IS THIS A LOT? I have tooken depakote and tegretol for many years now. Never really had problems with them till now. Or atleast not with tegretol. I don't feel that depakote is helping me much, but I'm not a nuero/epi. I went to my docter the day I was having seizures. I was having them NONSTOP. I don't even know what kind I was having...I mean, I DO know, but I haven't read or heard about these kind of seizures anywhere, or maybe I have in a WAY. I had them from 8:00AM to 11:00AM nonstop. Every minute I would have a seizure that usually lasted 5-8 seconds. So I had more than 20 seizures. Sometimes I would get 5 minute breaks, but then I would get one again. I know everything that is going on, I remember everything. I can talk during my minute (or 5 minute) breaks to whoever is around me, walk, run, do whatever, but there goes another seizure 5 minutes later. (complex seizure) I told my nuero this, so I guess this is why he increased my medicane, maybe? I am not deciding to become pregnant NOW, but maybe 1/2 a year I will decide to. Though I am still scared. I don't know want to do. I am so stressed out, and so worried. I need answers! Anyways, what do you think? -Lover_A


Io had epilepsy for 33 years

Submitted by Sbargher on Sat, 2006-11-11 - 20:30
Io had epilepsy for 33 years now. I started just having peti mal seizures and at that time I was only seeing my family doctor and he put me on Ditantin. At ages 25 and 29 I had two children which are completely normal. (actually more normal than some of my friends children) But, when I was pergnant with both of my kids my doctor took me completely off the Dilantin. I never had a one seizure while I was pregnant. When I started taking the medicine again I started having seizures. Since then (37-45) I started having grand mal seizures w/aura and was sent to a Neuroligist which put me on Trileptol because thought my body was getting imune to the Dilantin. The Trileptol started effecting my neverous system so he put me on Lamictal which is what I'm currently on. Now going on 46 I started having seizures with no arua. It's real scary! But I really wanted to let you know I had no problems with my pregnancies with both my children and they are normal. Try not to worrying!

thanks, for making me feel

Submitted by lover_a on Mon, 2006-11-20 - 00:29
thanks, for making me feel better. i am off keppra, it didnt help at all..just made things worse..i started getting really depressed and..everything else.. then my nuero put me on topomax,,,that didnt help either..made things worse as welll... my nuero also told me to try dilantin a while back but i never did because i thought it would just make things worse nov 30th ... on my birthday might i add ... i am getting an EEG .. so ill be in the hospital for 48 hours .. i guess we'll see how that goes ... one question S... how often did you have before you ever got pregnant? and after?

Re: If I have children will they be okay? Tooo much medicane? Is

Submitted by angel_lts on Mon, 2006-11-20 - 07:50
Hi Lover_A Depakote can be one of the worse. And you definitely can not take it while pregnant. It will cause bone loss when taking it a long time. You need to talk with your doctor immediately about being on this drug if you are planning to have children. ALso make sure you get a Dexascan done too. If you know it as aura/simple partials that beside the point. You can have the simple parial at anytime. It can be before a complex partial, generalized or by itself!! take care Lisa

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