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Medications and hairloss

Thu, 11/30/2006 - 15:42
I figured this would be the better place for this because men losing their hair, well, perhaps it's a prejudice thought but I figured women would understand me freaking out about it more. Have you ever had your meds cause hairloss? How did you deal with it? did anything stop it? Slow it down even? Does it grow back? The high levels of trileptal I'm taking are doing a number on my hair. I'm rather attached to the stuff so losing it is rather upsetting. On the plus side I now have an excuse to shop for hats and scarves.


Re: Depakene (a close relative

Submitted by tonialpha on Mon, 2006-12-18 - 18:03
Depakene did the same thing to me. As soon as I stopped taking it. My hair stopped falling out! No more need for a drain cleaner do to my hair loss! Toni

Re: Depakene (a close relative

Submitted by tonialpha on Mon, 2006-12-18 - 18:03
Depakene did the same thing to me. As soon as I stopped taking it. My hair stopped falling out! No more need for a drain cleaner do to my hair loss! Toni

Re: Re: Depakene (a close relative

Submitted by shakygrrl on Sat, 2006-12-30 - 19:13
My first year on Depakote was killer on my hair. I spent a few years growing my hair out, and loved it ever so much. So, when it started falling out, it was quite emotional (clumps in the shower were tough). I knew it was a problem when someone noticed the skin on my scalp. I cut it short, and now it's growing back thicker than ever. Took about 1.5 yrs, still on the Depakote, don't know why it's thicker, but it's very welcome... Now if only the Depakote would work on my upper lip and bikini area! Lisa

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