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Medications and hairloss

Thu, 11/30/2006 - 15:42
I figured this would be the better place for this because men losing their hair, well, perhaps it's a prejudice thought but I figured women would understand me freaking out about it more. Have you ever had your meds cause hairloss? How did you deal with it? did anything stop it? Slow it down even? Does it grow back? The high levels of trileptal I'm taking are doing a number on my hair. I'm rather attached to the stuff so losing it is rather upsetting. On the plus side I now have an excuse to shop for hats and scarves.


Re: Medications and hairloss

Submitted by nic14 on Mon, 2007-05-21 - 02:38
i dont know if this was mentioned yet...but you should try zinc and selenium to counteract the hairloss. im on depakote and topamax and was losing my hair like crazy but now its not so bad. it did take like 2 or so wks to get better but overall its good now.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Medications and hairloss

Submitted by kacydev on Thu, 2007-05-24 - 15:21
I'm on Dilantin and my hair is falling out like CRAZY! Super, super bad. I wear it up all the time otherwise I have hair all over me. I'm tempted to shave my head like Brittany Spears! Anyway, I asked my neurologist about it today and he said that shouldn't be a side effect, but could, possibly be so. I'm pretty sure it is as others who take it have listed it as such on But, I did have a baby 4 1/2 months ago which caused my seizure. So both the postpartum and stress can be contributing. My hairdresser recommended a conditioner with protein in it - "S" Factor Serious Conditioner.

Hi Gina, Your post reminded

Submitted by spaznurse on Sat, 2007-05-26 - 09:16
Hi Gina, Your post reminded me of a girlfriend who lost most of her beautiful long blonde hair to chemo (she's a survivor..10 years and counting..God bless her!) and she responded by buying the CUTEST collection of hats, caps and scarves...many with the fake hair attached in multiple and varied shades and textures...such fun! Personally, I've been contemplating a brow lift as I'm receding like my dear ol' Daddy did before I really cannot blame it on my AED perse (altho I would like to. Can I? haha) Seriously tho I have noticed a lot of loose hair coming off in the brush since my diagnoses 5 months ago but I haven't known if its the meds, diagnoses or perimenopause or the combination thereof. (My seizures are also catamenial.) Its h-e-doublehockeysticks getting old ya know? It is quite upsetting to see our crowning glory flying about the room everywhere isn't it. Dear hubby has always loved my long hair too but its getting kinds straggly these days.. :( Hugs, Spaznurse

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