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keppra & anger

Fri, 03/03/2006 - 06:41
I just started Keppra. 500mg twice a day. I've only taken it for 3 days. I'm angry. I've said things I would never say to my husband and teenage children. I'm sitting here seething. Could this possibly be the Keppra? I've got to call the doc when the office opens.


Re: keppra & anger

Submitted by barney on Wed, 2013-01-02 - 08:42
Keppra can be disturbing and it is definitely a contributor to rage. At least is seems to be for me. But I am 59, have had seizures since I was 28 (!??!) and I have been on phenobarbitol, dilantin, depakene, trileptal, neurontin and now Keppra. The transitional period between being on trileptal and then slowly building up keppra was a horror. There's no other word that quite describes the mood swings, anger surges or just plain old rage. Now that the transition is over, it is better, but the anger leaks out and our marriage has sufferered because of the rage. I will talk to my Doc about it but since the seizures are currently under control, I suspect the medication will stay. Trileptal was lowering my sodium blood levels, which ironically led to a sz breakthrough. Because of the breakthrough my Doc recommended the Keppra. Tomorrow I will ask her if there are alternatives.

Re: keppra & anger

Submitted by barney on Wed, 2013-01-02 - 08:42
Keppra can be disturbing and it is definitely a contributor to rage. At least is seems to be for me. But I am 59, have had seizures since I was 28 (!??!) and I have been on phenobarbitol, dilantin, depakene, trileptal, neurontin and now Keppra. The transitional period between being on trileptal and then slowly building up keppra was a horror. There's no other word that quite describes the mood swings, anger surges or just plain old rage. Now that the transition is over, it is better, but the anger leaks out and our marriage has sufferered because of the rage. I will talk to my Doc about it but since the seizures are currently under control, I suspect the medication will stay. Trileptal was lowering my sodium blood levels, which ironically led to a sz breakthrough. Because of the breakthrough my Doc recommended the Keppra. Tomorrow I will ask her if there are alternatives.

Re: keppra & anger

Submitted by kunglue on Fri, 2012-11-23 - 13:40
wherewithal such as the one you put here will be very positive for me! I'll post a link to this page on my blog. I'm sure my visitors find it very important

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