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keppra & anger

Fri, 03/03/2006 - 06:41
I just started Keppra. 500mg twice a day. I've only taken it for 3 days. I'm angry. I've said things I would never say to my husband and teenage children. I'm sitting here seething. Could this possibly be the Keppra? I've got to call the doc when the office opens.


Re: keppra & anger

Submitted by Fenella on Thu, 2012-12-27 - 14:32
Since I am drug-resistant AND drug sensitive to most anti-seizure meds, I am now on Ativan .5 mg 3x daily and Vimpat 100mg 2x daily and being evaluated for surgery. Hope is the thing with feathers That perches on the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all... Emily Dickenson

Re: keppra & anger

Submitted by scarolinus on Tue, 2013-01-29 - 20:23

I can definitely agree with much of what is said here. I've been on all of the meds listed except neurontin.

The problem that I've had with Keppra the two times that I've tried it is aggressive behavior. The last time I tried it was after being hospitalized for status epilepticus. I was given it because of its rapid build up in your system.

Two weeks later I ended up in jail.

That being said, for about 85% of the people who take it Keppra works well. It's the remaining 15% and those around them who live a life of pure hell. There is no way way to tell whether you will be among the 85% or 15%, but if a neurologist or epileptologist recommends Keppra know yourself. If you are easily depressed, irritated, or angered be wary of Keppra. Keep a log of things that happen  and ask help from people around you.

I wouldn't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else. Incidentally the paramedic at the jail refused to allow me to take my antiseizure meds because he had never heard of them.

I can definitely agree with much of what is said here. I've been on all of the meds listed except neurontin.

The problem that I've had with Keppra the two times that I've tried it is aggressive behavior. The last time I tried it was after being hospitalized for status epilepticus. I was given it because of its rapid build up in your system.

Two weeks later I ended up in jail.

That being said, for about 85% of the people who take it Keppra works well. It's the remaining 15% and those around them who live a life of pure hell. There is no way way to tell whether you will be among the 85% or 15%, but if a neurologist or epileptologist recommends Keppra know yourself. If you are easily depressed, irritated, or angered be wary of Keppra. Keep a log of things that happen  and ask help from people around you.

I wouldn't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else. Incidentally the paramedic at the jail refused to allow me to take my antiseizure meds because he had never heard of them.

Re: keppra & anger

Submitted by Babygirl33 on Fri, 2006-03-03 - 09:30
YES!It is very possible. My son is 11 yrs old and his is now being weaned off the Keppra because of the side effects. Keppra made him very angry, very hostile, moody, mad all the time and got mad at the smallest things, even made him violent in school. He got mad and threw his books down, turned over chairs and then knocked a chair down with another student in it. Yes, I would say these sound like side effects of the medication. I would call the doctor now before things got worse. (like I did-waiting before I called) My son is now on Topamax and being weaned from the Keppra. He is happier, smiles more and the anger seems to have almost disappeared! He has only been on the Topamax for 7 days. Hope this helps!

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