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keppra & anger

Fri, 03/03/2006 - 06:41
I just started Keppra. 500mg twice a day. I've only taken it for 3 days. I'm angry. I've said things I would never say to my husband and teenage children. I'm sitting here seething. Could this possibly be the Keppra? I've got to call the doc when the office opens.


comming off now. not good

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2014-04-20 - 20:00
comming off now. not good

Re: keppra & anger

Submitted by phylisfjohnson on Mon, 2013-01-07 - 12:56
To say the word “Keppra,” is to invite instant controversy. For some people it works, for some it doesn’t and for others, it’s a living nightmare. Here’s a random sampling of what real people have to say… Phylis Feiner Johnson

In the late 80s I was on

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2014-03-26 - 07:35
In the late 80s I was on depakote (had long hair lol) made my hair come out so I had my doc switch me to dilantin. Had my first grand mal seizure in 95. Lived in Alaska 3 different times between 2005 and 2010. My seizures went nuts, I was have 5-15 a day. I started keppra in 2006. Im now on 500mg twice a day (1) morning & night. I am short with people, impatient, my temper gets really bad and it has caused me problems with dating. I try to explain that I was never like this. I was the nicest guy, life of the party kinda guy, got along with everyone and now I feel alone and like my life is just worthless and over. When I was in Alaska in 2006 and my seizures were going off I developed Stephens Johnson Syndrome from taking the max dose of dilantin and depakote you can take to control my seizures. Now I am stuck with something that can kill me and there is no cure for it. The last time I was in Alaska I had 3 back surgeries. When I was in the hospital for the last 2 surgeries a nurse came in and asked if I was Jon, I said yes and she said she wanted to meet me because she heard I had Stephens Johnson Syndrome and so did she. Hers was worse than mine she got the burn scars and put in ICU. Of all the neurologists and tests I have had, they still havent classified my seizures and they dont know what part of the brain they come from. Because of this KEPPRA Rage I have lost the woman that I truly loved, so I just sit here heartbroken and think of what could have been. If you want to read my full story and post comments or tell your story I have created an epilepsy facebook page called Game Over for Epilepsy. Thank You

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