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sex drive

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 02:15
Anyone notice that it practically disappears? I certainly have. I know that it's probably because of the meds but it would be nice to have it back.


Re: Re: sex drive

Submitted by copabeat on Tue, 2007-02-06 - 13:54
I to used to have the same problem at first, then I got off most meds,not related to seizures and bing,bang zoom, now I can't stop. I am a man (sorry) now I am back to having the small head rule the big head (upper one with two eyes) Meds, can definetly due that, my wife even started to suspect me of having an affair or something. Now, she just asks me if I am trying to kill her or overdosed on viagra or that other one with the funny commercial. The one with the guy smiling all the time. No wonder I have been in a better mood lately. Hmmmmmm. Dilantin doesn't seem to effect me that way, thank God, now i can be a pig again, as all men are. Gotta go to the troft and then wallow in some mud, then go hammer something just because.

Re: sex drive

Submitted by BELLA4EVER on Wed, 2010-02-17 - 14:33

On the contrary, I don't seem to have the same problem as everyone else. I had Epilepsy from 9-13 years of age. I was seizure free for 10 years. Thank God! No more pills...the taste of phenobarbital and Dilatin was gone for good.

At the age of 23 got married. I didn't have much of a sex drive when I didn't have Epilepsy. Married for 13 years, I was comfortable with my body and having sex twice a week was ok.    Got diagnosed with Epilepsy 5 years ago, and found out my Epilepsy came back since childhood. ( I was in denial ) and decided to take the medication last year as the Neurologist originally had suggested.  I was so upset about the fact that one of the side affects was gaining weight and had to go through the same thing all over again.  So, I decided to loose the weight at home, eat right and be motivated. I guess being motivated and taking my medication daily is working well.  I have lost 28 pounds and can't wait to lose another 20. That's my goal! My husband was starting to suspect me of having an affair and kept asking questions, once I started lookn hot.  Taking those meds was the best thing that ever happened to me and my relationship with my husband. It has made us feel young again and wild.  Surprisingly, sex is in my daily routine.  It's another excerise class. LOL

I wonder can it really be the meds that are making some of us lose our sex drives or are we not trying to change. I think we should all think dirty.  It works!! LOL

On the contrary, I don't seem to have the same problem as everyone else. I had Epilepsy from 9-13 years of age. I was seizure free for 10 years. Thank God! No more pills...the taste of phenobarbital and Dilatin was gone for good.

At the age of 23 got married. I didn't have much of a sex drive when I didn't have Epilepsy. Married for 13 years, I was comfortable with my body and having sex twice a week was ok.    Got diagnosed with Epilepsy 5 years ago, and found out my Epilepsy came back since childhood. ( I was in denial ) and decided to take the medication last year as the Neurologist originally had suggested.  I was so upset about the fact that one of the side affects was gaining weight and had to go through the same thing all over again.  So, I decided to loose the weight at home, eat right and be motivated. I guess being motivated and taking my medication daily is working well.  I have lost 28 pounds and can't wait to lose another 20. That's my goal! My husband was starting to suspect me of having an affair and kept asking questions, once I started lookn hot.  Taking those meds was the best thing that ever happened to me and my relationship with my husband. It has made us feel young again and wild.  Surprisingly, sex is in my daily routine.  It's another excerise class. LOL

I wonder can it really be the meds that are making some of us lose our sex drives or are we not trying to change. I think we should all think dirty.  It works!! LOL

Re: Re: Re: sex drive

Submitted by aquila316 on Tue, 2007-02-06 - 14:27
Hmmmmmmm, I suppose it affects men and women totally differently. I'm not on anything but seizure meds right now, so I have no other drug interactions, and I tried Dilantin in the hospital in September of 2006 and had a SERIOUS allergic reation. I went through Kidney failure for a week...don't want to try that again. Oh, well, at least I tried. Susan

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