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sex drive

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 02:15
Anyone notice that it practically disappears? I certainly have. I know that it's probably because of the meds but it would be nice to have it back.


Re: sex drive

Submitted by ontopofit on Mon, 2010-03-29 - 11:35

It ABSOLUTELY is--the whold nonsensical approach adds to a person's frustration in trying to get to the bottom of this garbage (for lack of a better word!) Remember, everyone that you are the person that is with you 24/7--do not give up on yourselves. My goodness, I was just jailed--he said "why did you call me?"  How's that for a kick in the teeth...So I went through a whole month of soul searching--naturally he sees things from another perspective--so regaining Me was so essential--Right when I need to be on top of things again...

It ABSOLUTELY is--the whold nonsensical approach adds to a person's frustration in trying to get to the bottom of this garbage (for lack of a better word!) Remember, everyone that you are the person that is with you 24/7--do not give up on yourselves. My goodness, I was just jailed--he said "why did you call me?"  How's that for a kick in the teeth...So I went through a whole month of soul searching--naturally he sees things from another perspective--so regaining Me was so essential--Right when I need to be on top of things again...

Re: sex drive

Submitted by colamaid09 on Fri, 2013-04-19 - 14:56

Hi! Avasmom!

I'm also having problems with this issue, and I agree with you when you said the docs, and pharmacists, are not more open with the this type of side effect. After all this is one of the biggest side effect issue that we're dealing with, and it makes me wonder if they know that low labido is one of the main side effects. Or if they're just trying to hide that issue. Or maybe it's because they're just not doing their leg work, because I was always taking name brand meds, one of which is lamictal. Then the cost got too high for me to pay, so my doc had me put on the generic brand, and since then my labido has went down hill from there. I told my doc that I felt that, that was the reason why my labido went down hill. which of course he denied it, he said the name brand and generic are one and the same.  I knew, and felt that he wasn't correct in this. So I decided to do some research of my own, and I read that there's a 80% to 30% difference in the two. I told him this so he talked to my insurance, and I was able to get on the name brand again. Yet it still didn't help with my labido, and read up on what can help boost it, and like you said about peanut butter, not working. I also read up on diff. foods that could help too, and still no results, I've even tried, vitamins, I've even tried vitamins, no results there either. I know we have to be careful of what we take, because of our meds, because I was even thinking of taking something like cialis, or diff. herbs. Except all of them have high risks, I mean with all the scientific studies that're out there you would think they could come up with something safe. When I say safe I mean to take that will be able to help boost our sex drive, but still not counteract with our sz meds.

Hi! Avasmom!

I'm also having problems with this issue, and I agree with you when you said the docs, and pharmacists, are not more open with the this type of side effect. After all this is one of the biggest side effect issue that we're dealing with, and it makes me wonder if they know that low labido is one of the main side effects. Or if they're just trying to hide that issue. Or maybe it's because they're just not doing their leg work, because I was always taking name brand meds, one of which is lamictal. Then the cost got too high for me to pay, so my doc had me put on the generic brand, and since then my labido has went down hill from there. I told my doc that I felt that, that was the reason why my labido went down hill. which of course he denied it, he said the name brand and generic are one and the same.  I knew, and felt that he wasn't correct in this. So I decided to do some research of my own, and I read that there's a 80% to 30% difference in the two. I told him this so he talked to my insurance, and I was able to get on the name brand again. Yet it still didn't help with my labido, and read up on what can help boost it, and like you said about peanut butter, not working. I also read up on diff. foods that could help too, and still no results, I've even tried, vitamins, I've even tried vitamins, no results there either. I know we have to be careful of what we take, because of our meds, because I was even thinking of taking something like cialis, or diff. herbs. Except all of them have high risks, I mean with all the scientific studies that're out there you would think they could come up with something safe. When I say safe I mean to take that will be able to help boost our sex drive, but still not counteract with our sz meds.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: sex drive

Submitted by Kelly G. on Sun, 2007-03-25 - 16:11
Wow. I understand, too. Even after having my cyst removed that caused the seizures and now being seizure-free since Oct. 2nd, 2006. I'm still on my meds (Topomax & Trileptal) for one year after surgery but i've got no drive to be with my boyfriend of 5 years. Partially because he's 6'8" and 475 pds. (If he was like the Rock, it might be different. LOL) But i'm just not horny, in general. I'd rather take my walks and get in shape and work now that I have my memory back and can do what I never could do before. I like to look at guys and go out sometimes, but i'm not into the evenings at home, if you know what I mean. I think it's the meds. It would be nice to have it back though and have a goodlooking boyfriend, too. :) -Kelly

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