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sex drive

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 02:15
Anyone notice that it practically disappears? I certainly have. I know that it's probably because of the meds but it would be nice to have it back.


Re: sex drive

Submitted by Dtiller on Sat, 2008-12-13 - 01:11
Hello im dawn and I am on trileptal and zonisamide and i have no sex drive either.  It is hard.  Before all my problems i used to be having sex alot and guys loved it .  i have a high sex drive then i got on siezure meds and i dont have sex hardly at all.  My husband now is very patient with me. He is trying to understand.  I feel bad for him due to being a man and having a high sex drive.   Also my lb is high also.  I have been over lb for many yrs but now i am trying to lose but these meds dont help.  My dr.  states he is sorry but he is not my brain or my med.  I have a great dr.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: sex drive

Submitted by Leanne Carter on Wed, 2007-03-28 - 20:24
Well guys, we are still normal, its just the drugs thats makes us abnormal. Now I just have to show my husband this Forum and he just might just understand my needs a little more. If anyone finds a good health pill lets us all know, we are all missing out!!!

I've been married for 8

Submitted by tracy123 on Thu, 2007-03-29 - 16:22
I've been married for 8 years, but had no sex drive since switching to Tegretol several years ago. I just don't even think about it, and have no desire to do it. I had thought it may be my meds, as I was very eager before. So glad to see that could really be the case. I love my husband with all my heart and want him to be happy, all I've ever wanted to be was a good wife. And I feel like I'm not. But what can we do to fix this? Doing it out of duty doesn't seem very loving, ya know? And like someone said, why don't doctors tell us to expect this? Surely there is a med to counter-act it! I'm seeing my doc next week and will def bring up this issue! I'm 33 and should be in my prime, right??!

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