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sex drive

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 02:15
Anyone notice that it practically disappears? I certainly have. I know that it's probably because of the meds but it would be nice to have it back.


Re: sex drive

Submitted by spinpikachu on Wed, 2010-02-17 - 12:25
hi carolyn, i was just looking at ur entry. my boyfriend of a long time now is on the same meds as you are.. and he has no sex drive at all. its nice to see people posting this for others to see  because i have been feeling so damn bad about my self, i thought it was me, and as many times as he tells me, its hard to beleive its the meds.

Re: sex drive

Submitted by ontopofit on Mon, 2010-03-29 - 11:41
Eating peanut butter?  I'd better never hear that!  That just shows me how conflicted about this chronic condition the medical community really is--but heaven forbid they would dare tell you--Actually, they can only tell you what little they know, because this is truly a mystery--no wonder there is alot of depression!

Re: sex drive

Submitted by avasmom on Tue, 2007-03-06 - 09:52
I want to thank you all for your candid comments. I was diagnosed with epilepsy just a year prior to getting married. Of course, once starting with meds, my sex drive declined rapidly and while I assumed it was related, my doctors (both gyn and neuro)claimed there was no remarkable connection. We've been married now for seven years, and while we have two wonderful children, the sex issue has been a major source of tension. I swear there was a day when I really enjoyed it, and now...almost no interest. Like some of you, I try to keep up with my husband's needs, but it's never enough and he's done everything from accuse me of having an affair (convinced that if I'm not wanting it at home, I must be getting it some where else) to implying that there is something wrong with me sexually and most recently in a fit of frustration, decided I was just a negative old woman! (I'm 38). Anyway, desparate for something to validate my experience, I logged on yesterday and found this. I printed out the whole thing and shared with him last night (along with detailed information about my medication to help him have a better understanding). I think (hope) your comments finally helped him begin to see that this is an unfortunate side effect of my treatment and not something else. What I want to know is why are doctors/ pharm companies not more forthright about this issue?!?! And why don't they have anything better than "eat peanut butter" to offer as advice? :-) Clearly, we're not alone and this is a rather serious side effect. Thanks again.

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