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sex drive

Tue, 10/10/2006 - 02:15
Anyone notice that it practically disappears? I certainly have. I know that it's probably because of the meds but it would be nice to have it back.


Re: sex drive

Submitted by bonner11 on Tue, 2011-09-20 - 22:32

Hi Hoddinott

I have never heard that peanut butter can enhance your sex drive. But I'm willing to try it. You see I have been epileptic for 35yrs now. Since I was 3yrs old out of all the meds I have taken and believe me I have taken many. I have never had any trouble with my sex drive. Although I am taken lamictal, vimpat, and serquel, which have all been name brand. Except my insurance has been giving me trouble about being able to get the name brand. So I've been having to take generic brands on my lamictal, and vimpat. Since I started taking these generic brands my sex drive has really gone down a great deal. I know it's the generic that has caused this although my docs say no, because they say that generic, and name brand are one and the same. Although my sister has been reading up on this and there's a 80% to 125% difference in them. I also tell my docs maybe it could be that I have become emmune to one of the meds. Which I have learned over the years of taking many diff. meds that it can happen. I also think that it could probably also have something to do with my hormones. At this point I guess I'm just picking out straws, because I hope the docs can find a med that can help me get my sex drive back to me.

Hi Hoddinott

I have never heard that peanut butter can enhance your sex drive. But I'm willing to try it. You see I have been epileptic for 35yrs now. Since I was 3yrs old out of all the meds I have taken and believe me I have taken many. I have never had any trouble with my sex drive. Although I am taken lamictal, vimpat, and serquel, which have all been name brand. Except my insurance has been giving me trouble about being able to get the name brand. So I've been having to take generic brands on my lamictal, and vimpat. Since I started taking these generic brands my sex drive has really gone down a great deal. I know it's the generic that has caused this although my docs say no, because they say that generic, and name brand are one and the same. Although my sister has been reading up on this and there's a 80% to 125% difference in them. I also tell my docs maybe it could be that I have become emmune to one of the meds. Which I have learned over the years of taking many diff. meds that it can happen. I also think that it could probably also have something to do with my hormones. At this point I guess I'm just picking out straws, because I hope the docs can find a med that can help me get my sex drive back to me.

Re: Re: sex drive

Submitted by Sugerfree on Sun, 2007-03-04 - 15:44
You know, men are totally differet than women in this area. I have diabetic Neuropathy which makes all the extremity nerve endings so that they don't feel anything. Yes, all the extremities! That's been going on 6 years now and then the Epilepsy meds for the last two. Needless to say, sex drive is really not the issue, enjoyment is. In the first place I can't feel anything and in the second place I am too tired to even start. Therefore I have a deal with my husband of satisfying him and his needs, mainly so he won't be so grouchy! Luckily he travels a lot so I get mini vacations...he he. Oh and I eat peanut butter everyday and it's not working!

Re: Re: sex drive

Submitted by carolyn61 on Sat, 2007-05-12 - 22:50
LOL, It seems we all have the same problem here. I'm on dilantin and depakote extended release, my sex drive went out long ago. I would love it back!!! I never heard of the peanut butter enhancing the sex ain't working here, as I buy it by the jars and actually eat it LMAO

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