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keppra & anger

Fri, 03/03/2006 - 06:41
I just started Keppra. 500mg twice a day. I've only taken it for 3 days. I'm angry. I've said things I would never say to my husband and teenage children. I'm sitting here seething. Could this possibly be the Keppra? I've got to call the doc when the office opens.


Re: keppra & anger

Submitted by jokar on Thu, 2012-12-27 - 02:01
I too suffer from rage and uncontrollable anger. Just knowing it's the Keppra and not me causing all the anger, helped me realise, that I could stop being stupidly angry over nothing and then I did begin to calm down. I also take a herbal tablet (Neuro Calm by Metagenics) that takes the edge off and lets me deal with it a lot better. You'll need a script from a GP or Naturopath but its worth a go, it helps me every day. All the anti-convulsion drugs have side effects. JohnJohn.

Re: keppra & anger

Submitted by Fenella on Thu, 2012-12-27 - 14:29
Hi, My3Dogs! The feelings you are experiencing are all parts of what is called Keppra-anger. I was on the same dosage as you. My Keppra was really working well and then i began becoming angry with my husband and coworkers, short with people, impatient....basically the same way you are. I looked up Keppra side effects on Keppra forums and this was a biggie. A large percentage of Keppra users experienced this side effect. I saw my neurologist right away and he confirmed it was a side effect but uncommon. I relate that according to the forums I had read it was very common. He took me off Keppra and put me on my old stand-by, Depakote until he could look into it and try something else. At my next appointment he told me he did more research into Keppra and found Keppra anger to be a side effect growing in numbers. Hope is the thing with feathers That perches on the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all... Emily Dickenson

Re: keppra & anger

Submitted by IraB on Thu, 2013-02-14 - 10:36
This is interesting. I have similar feelings, but I am not sure if it is medication. The thing is that I have been a moody person since I was a teenager. But the only victims of this were my parents. I could control it otherwise. When I got prescribed dilantin I felt more depressed than ever, but no anger issues. Now that I got Keppra added I get real anger management problems. I feel mad at my friends over nothing. Luckily I don't let it out at them. But I do show a lot of anger online. I use facebook as my letout for negative emotions. I make some very angry posts that I realize are very silly and over things that I should not be upset about, but I just can't help it, I had about 10 people deleting me from their friends lists in the past month (since I got on Keppra). And my parents seem to notice the change as well. I mean since the teenage years I mostly control my anger when talking to them, but recently when talking to my mother on the phone I lost it and yelled at her over some harmless questions, I was accusing her of trying to control mylife (something a teenager would say...) and she was perplexed and said she didn't understand my aggression. I sure feel bad about it, need to talk to my doctor maybe he knows how to make it better.

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