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Tegretol & Pregnancy

Sun, 03/04/2007 - 04:05

I have been taking Tegretol for 7 mths and have so far remained seizure free while on it. I am thinking of becoming pregnant within the next 3 mths and would like some advice or to hear of others who have been in a similiar situation. I had originally wanted to stop taking the Tegretol but after hearing from a few of you on here I have decided against that. I know realise how it would be silly of meto think that I could stop taking it and everything would be ok. I am very concerned about having a baby while on meds, but have heard that a lot of peole have had very healthy babies while on their meds. I am feeling very tired and weak on tegretol and am worried what I'll be like when pregnant, as I know I was very tired with my first pregnancy and I'm wondering if I could cope while on meds. Is their anyone else who has taken Tegretol while pregnant? Or any advice for me on this.


I am planning to have my

Submitted by anantha09 on Sat, 2019-01-19 - 21:42
I am planning to have my first child. 6 years ago I was diagnosed with Trigeminal neuralgia.  I am still on tegretol CR 200mg 3 times a day.  Is it safe to still continue with my meds and plan my pregnancy? 

I started having seizures at

Submitted by hodginsh on Thu, 2017-03-23 - 13:15
I started having seizures at 15 years old. Was put on regular tegretol. Worked ok, but must have been having break-through seizures and vision disturbances bc the Mayo Clinic Neurologist switched me to Tegretol XR when I was 17. Been on it since. I will be 41 years old soon. Tried to come off before I got pregnant. Neurologist said not a great idea for me. Got pregnant last year about this time. They thought it was a molar pregnancy so I had a D&E. Just became pregnant again. Went for my visit. They saw a baby with a heartbeat-very early on! I found out though that last year's pregnancy was NOT a molar pregnancy, but an early miscarriage. I was never informed of this until today. Happy about this pregnancy, but worried due to the Tegretol XR. They started me on a baby aspirin and vaginal progesterone to help this pregnancy out. Go again for 2nd ultrasound in April. 

Is it regular tegretol (pink

Submitted by hodginsh on Thu, 2017-03-23 - 13:19
Is it regular tegretol (pink pill) or Tegretol XR (time-released, round coated pill with a hole in the center)? Time released helped me out when I was younger. The side effects of the regular tegretol can be difficult to get used to at first. I was on it from 15 years old to 17 years old.

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