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Tegretol & Pregnancy

Sun, 03/04/2007 - 04:05

I have been taking Tegretol for 7 mths and have so far remained seizure free while on it. I am thinking of becoming pregnant within the next 3 mths and would like some advice or to hear of others who have been in a similiar situation. I had originally wanted to stop taking the Tegretol but after hearing from a few of you on here I have decided against that. I know realise how it would be silly of meto think that I could stop taking it and everything would be ok. I am very concerned about having a baby while on meds, but have heard that a lot of peole have had very healthy babies while on their meds. I am feeling very tired and weak on tegretol and am worried what I'll be like when pregnant, as I know I was very tired with my first pregnancy and I'm wondering if I could cope while on meds. Is their anyone else who has taken Tegretol while pregnant? Or any advice for me on this.


Re: Re: Tegretol & Pregnancy

Submitted by Mel26 on Fri, 2007-03-23 - 23:03
I have been to see my neuro yesterday to discuss pregnancy options, and he wants to take me off the Tegretol altogether. As i have only had 3 seizures and they were all at night he is sure that i will be fine if i stop my meds. I am a little concerned about it though as i'm worried about the seizures coming back. But he is the professional and I do trust him very much. He said he would rather I stopped the meds than stayed on it while pregnant. So I have to wait until at least August as then I would have been o the meds a full year

Re: Re: Re: Tegretol & Pregnancy

Submitted by tracy123 on Thu, 2007-03-29 - 16:02
Hey there, I was on Dilantin for several years after having 2 seizures in my sleep at 33 weeks pregnant. When I told my neurologist I wanted another baby, he switched me to Tegretol, saying it was safer. I suffered 2 miscarraiges, but had a healthy baby in Oct. '05. Good luck!!

I had my second child while

Submitted by beryl gilmore on Sat, 2007-09-08 - 15:09
I had my second child while on Tegretol Retard. My doctors advised me to stay on it as my seizures were under almost total control (ie. one every two years or so). My pregnancy was monitored every week from the 18th week on as they realised that my baby was low birth weight - the right lenght but very thin. I did have a seizure 2 days before he was due and they admitted me to the maternity hospital. He was born at full term 5lb 4oz and perfectly healthy. They could give me no explanation for this low birth weight but did not think that the Tegretol caused it. Overall my pregnancy was trouble free and much easier than my first (at which time I did not have epilepsy). He is now nine and is a real lanky skinny boy with his ribs sticking out, even though he eats like a horse. He had no developmental delays and at nine his teacher regards his as well above average in the top 2-3 in his class and his vocabulary and reading is way above his years. Hope this helps anyone thinking of getting pregnant while on Tegretol. PS - I am on a fairly high dosage.

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