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Tegretol & Pregnancy

Sun, 03/04/2007 - 04:05

I have been taking Tegretol for 7 mths and have so far remained seizure free while on it. I am thinking of becoming pregnant within the next 3 mths and would like some advice or to hear of others who have been in a similiar situation. I had originally wanted to stop taking the Tegretol but after hearing from a few of you on here I have decided against that. I know realise how it would be silly of meto think that I could stop taking it and everything would be ok. I am very concerned about having a baby while on meds, but have heard that a lot of peole have had very healthy babies while on their meds. I am feeling very tired and weak on tegretol and am worried what I'll be like when pregnant, as I know I was very tired with my first pregnancy and I'm wondering if I could cope while on meds. Is their anyone else who has taken Tegretol while pregnant? Or any advice for me on this.


Re: Tegretol & Pregnancy

Submitted by kellyb on Mon, 2007-03-19 - 22:42
i was taking tegretol when i got pregnant with my son 11 years ago. i had a seizure when i was 7 wks pregnant (didn't even know i was pregnant at the time) but didn't have any other seizures during my pregnancy. my neuro and ob/gyn kept in close contact, i had my levels checked every couple weeks to keep me in check and everything went really well during the pregnancy and labor and delivery. my son was perfectly healthy (and remains so). he's not shown any signs of any kinds of developmental delays (which i believe would have shown up by now). i also breastfed him and didn't have any problems. good luck to you.

Re: Tegretol & Pregnancy

Submitted by jmgrlfrnd on Sun, 2008-02-10 - 21:15
Just wondering how much was your dose of tegretol at that time?Also were u taking high doses of folic acid as well?

Re: Tegretol & Pregnancy

Submitted by pinkinmd on Tue, 2007-03-20 - 16:50
I've been on Tegretol (+Keppra+Gabitril) for ~10 years now. My doctor told me that Tegretol runs a rather high rate of birth defects, and that when I want to have kids he wants me to plan at least 6 months in advance so I can slowly back off. He's also had me on folic acid for the past 2.5 years to combat these risks. Sorry to play devil's advocate...but A) I have no kids, whereas some people here have very healthy kids born on Tegretol, and B) I'm taking the maximum amount.

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