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Tegretol & Pregnancy

Sun, 03/04/2007 - 04:05

I have been taking Tegretol for 7 mths and have so far remained seizure free while on it. I am thinking of becoming pregnant within the next 3 mths and would like some advice or to hear of others who have been in a similiar situation. I had originally wanted to stop taking the Tegretol but after hearing from a few of you on here I have decided against that. I know realise how it would be silly of meto think that I could stop taking it and everything would be ok. I am very concerned about having a baby while on meds, but have heard that a lot of peole have had very healthy babies while on their meds. I am feeling very tired and weak on tegretol and am worried what I'll be like when pregnant, as I know I was very tired with my first pregnancy and I'm wondering if I could cope while on meds. Is their anyone else who has taken Tegretol while pregnant? Or any advice for me on this.


Re: Tegretol & Pregnancy

Submitted by quirky on Tue, 2007-03-06 - 13:14
Hi Mel26 I am not pregnant but I am taking tegretol retard and have been taking tegretol for 16 years now. I dont have any children yet and because of that fact, my neuro has assured me that when i do plan on having children he said I can continue taking tegretol during pregnancy because it has been studied a lot as it is an old drug and it is considered as a safe drug for mother's to be. I hope that help you, but I would talk your own doctor about this first. Good luck! quirky

Re: Tegretol & Pregnancy

Submitted by beachy on Mon, 2007-03-19 - 13:08
Hi Mel, I've only just come-on to this site, so not tooo sure how it works and/or how "old" this comment is - but essentially, I've been on Tegretol retard 20 odd yrs and have 2 x fine daughters on it, 17 and almost 15 yrs respectively. I am also NOT controlled by this and/or any other anti-ep' medication and believe me, ALL have been tried with no gaps of ever being off aem's. Both girls are normal in all mental/physical apects with none of my epileptic or other "side-effects" being reflected genetically or by transmission of any chemical drug reaction. I have no memory which I believe is as a result of taking Tegretol rather than the szs - watch this in yourself!! Cheers, Beachy.

Re: Tegretol & Pregnancy

Submitted by DAnneB on Mon, 2007-03-19 - 16:35
Hi, I didn't take Tegretol as I was allergic to it but I got pregnant and had a healthy baby (now 15) while on Dilantin. It was my 3rd pregnancy -- I was 43 at birth. High risk pregnancy, but normal labor and delivery. Partial seizures only caused by an AVM so this may be a different story.

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