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pregnancy and keppra

Tue, 12/27/2005 - 13:01
Hello everyone I am 28 years old, female, with JME. My doctor has switched me from Depakote to Lamictal and now Keppra. I take Keppra 1000mg a day. Is there anyone, who is on Keppra, who is pregnant or who has had a baby. There is a ton of information of Lamictal and pregnancy but not much of Keppra and pregnancy. My husband and I want to start planning for a family, but we are VERY nervous. My ob/gyn put me on a prenatal vitamin and extra folic acid. I would appreciate any information from anyone. -aspepath


Re: Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by aspepath on Sun, 2006-02-12 - 10:53
Hi Amey Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I too love Keppra. What is your dosage of Keppra? I am on 1000mg. Has your dosage increased since being pregnant? Lamictal didn't work for me. My seizure activity increased when I was ovulating or when I had my period. So my doctor put me only on Keppra. So far so good. I had 2 grand mal seizures in October but that was because I missed 2 doses. I too am on folic acid and prenatal. I have never heard of lorazapam. Is that an AED medication? How long have you been on keppra? Good luck!! Aspeapth e-mail [email protected]

Re: Re: Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by nanci on Sun, 2006-02-12 - 11:13
Hey I forgot who I told what so sorry if this is a repeat.... I am on Keppra Lamactal and Folic Asid. I was much better on depokote. I do have problems around that time of month. So they just STARTED ME ON LYRICA. Nancy

Re: Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by Grace M on Mon, 2006-09-04 - 19:36
Hi Amey - Im 6 weeks pregnant and Im on both Kepra and lamictil. Did you have a seizure on Lamictil? When I told my neurologist that I wanted to be on meds that will be okay for pregnancy (for the future) he put me on the lamictil and I had a seizure so thats when he added Kepra. I have been on Kepra and Lamictil for about 3 years and I havent had a seizure. My worry is about being on 2 drugs while Im pregnant.

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