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pregnancy and keppra

Tue, 12/27/2005 - 13:01
Hello everyone I am 28 years old, female, with JME. My doctor has switched me from Depakote to Lamictal and now Keppra. I take Keppra 1000mg a day. Is there anyone, who is on Keppra, who is pregnant or who has had a baby. There is a ton of information of Lamictal and pregnancy but not much of Keppra and pregnancy. My husband and I want to start planning for a family, but we are VERY nervous. My ob/gyn put me on a prenatal vitamin and extra folic acid. I would appreciate any information from anyone. -aspepath


pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by Jbera on Tue, 2011-06-28 - 21:45

Hi All -

I had my first Seizure around 1999 (passed out), but the doctors never put me on any medication. I then had my second one in 2001, and the doctors tried various medicines as I had allergic reactions (sever rash on my whole body) to each drug i.e., dilantin, Phenobarbital etc. After they did a CAT scan, they found out that I had a cell that did not grow normally (sorry - forgot the med term), and they told me that my seizure could be related to the cell issue. The doctors said even if it were not related, the cell issue could affect me adversely as I got older. They gave me the option to have a brain surgery, and I chose to go ahead with it. The doctors had not felt that they needed to put me on a medication after the surgery, but I had a seizure about a couple of weeks later so they decided to put me on Keppra ( at the time, I took 500mg twice a day - from 2002 thru 2005 ( had about 2 seizures during these years.). I then went down to 250 mg twice a day till about 2008 (had no seizures) - my doctor then took me off the drug but I had another one after a month so I got back on it and continued to take 250 mg twice a day.

I got pregnant in 2009; I took 250 mg twice a day till about 8 months into the pregnancy. My doctor (neurologist) then wanted me to do 250 mg 3 times a day as I had gained 20 pounds ( but went back to 250 mg- twice a day right after I had my baby as I went back to my normal weight right away.) I was really worried when I first found out that I was pregnant since I did not know how Keppra would affect my baby – but my neurologist had always told me that no major reports had been reported related to Keppra – he had said that the issues related were ones that could be corrected by plastic surgery. However, my gynecologist sent me to my neurologist and a specialist (gynecologist) to be on the safe side. I also did the amniotic fluid test. I got positive feedback/results from all the doctors. I was always told that I was doing excellent at all my pregnancy checkups. One thing that the specialist-gynecologist suggested to me was to work out every day for 30 minutes (he said to continue whatever I did before but not to start a new type of work out).I am a big fan of treadmills so I jogged on it for 30 minutes pretty much every day at a low speed (between 3 to 4.)  This made me feel excellent – even though I was working about 13 to 17 hrs a day throughout my whole pregnancy as we were working towards a major project release at work.  I also took prenatal, 3 mg folic acid (in addition to the folic acid the prenatal had, which I believe is 1 mg) and Omega 3 before I got pregnant and while I was pregnant. The great news is I have a healthy, happy boy who is turning 2 in three months. I breast fed him for about 6 months – the gynecologist/pediatrician had told me that they did not have much information on Keppra relating with breastfeeding as it was a relatively new drug but thought that it might be OK to breastfeed him as I was taking a low dosage (but said it would be a decision that I had to make.) I tried not to feed him around the time (morning and evening) that I took the medicine. I exclusively breastfed him for one month and I started giving him less and got him started on formula during the second month – gave him breast milk and formula up until he turned six months and put him on 100%formulala afterward – the reason I did this was just so he did not get so much of the keppra - Also, he was waking up, stretching and straining around 5:30 every morning for about 3 months soon after he was born - so my husband and I decided to give him less breast milk in case it had to do with Keppra (but the pediatrician did not think it was the keppra at all. ) Overall, his health is excellent and in fact is a very bright kid (very observant, excellent memory etc.)I thank God for giving me the joy of my life - my husband and I went to church every Sunday while I was pregnant and prayed so we could be blessed with a healthy baby – and sure enough he blessed us with not only a healthy baby but a handsome and happy boy!) And I am now 3 months into my pregnancy with my second baby - I am still on keppra - 250mg twice a day - I pray that this one goes as smoothly as the first one. Please pray for me.


GOD BLESS YOU ALL! I HOPE THIS HELPS (sorry for the long note - I hope each one of you can take something from each detail.)

Hi All -

I had my first Seizure around 1999 (passed out), but the doctors never put me on any medication. I then had my second one in 2001, and the doctors tried various medicines as I had allergic reactions (sever rash on my whole body) to each drug i.e., dilantin, Phenobarbital etc. After they did a CAT scan, they found out that I had a cell that did not grow normally (sorry - forgot the med term), and they told me that my seizure could be related to the cell issue. The doctors said even if it were not related, the cell issue could affect me adversely as I got older. They gave me the option to have a brain surgery, and I chose to go ahead with it. The doctors had not felt that they needed to put me on a medication after the surgery, but I had a seizure about a couple of weeks later so they decided to put me on Keppra ( at the time, I took 500mg twice a day - from 2002 thru 2005 ( had about 2 seizures during these years.). I then went down to 250 mg twice a day till about 2008 (had no seizures) - my doctor then took me off the drug but I had another one after a month so I got back on it and continued to take 250 mg twice a day.

I got pregnant in 2009; I took 250 mg twice a day till about 8 months into the pregnancy. My doctor (neurologist) then wanted me to do 250 mg 3 times a day as I had gained 20 pounds ( but went back to 250 mg- twice a day right after I had my baby as I went back to my normal weight right away.) I was really worried when I first found out that I was pregnant since I did not know how Keppra would affect my baby – but my neurologist had always told me that no major reports had been reported related to Keppra – he had said that the issues related were ones that could be corrected by plastic surgery. However, my gynecologist sent me to my neurologist and a specialist (gynecologist) to be on the safe side. I also did the amniotic fluid test. I got positive feedback/results from all the doctors. I was always told that I was doing excellent at all my pregnancy checkups. One thing that the specialist-gynecologist suggested to me was to work out every day for 30 minutes (he said to continue whatever I did before but not to start a new type of work out).I am a big fan of treadmills so I jogged on it for 30 minutes pretty much every day at a low speed (between 3 to 4.)  This made me feel excellent – even though I was working about 13 to 17 hrs a day throughout my whole pregnancy as we were working towards a major project release at work.  I also took prenatal, 3 mg folic acid (in addition to the folic acid the prenatal had, which I believe is 1 mg) and Omega 3 before I got pregnant and while I was pregnant. The great news is I have a healthy, happy boy who is turning 2 in three months. I breast fed him for about 6 months – the gynecologist/pediatrician had told me that they did not have much information on Keppra relating with breastfeeding as it was a relatively new drug but thought that it might be OK to breastfeed him as I was taking a low dosage (but said it would be a decision that I had to make.) I tried not to feed him around the time (morning and evening) that I took the medicine. I exclusively breastfed him for one month and I started giving him less and got him started on formula during the second month – gave him breast milk and formula up until he turned six months and put him on 100%formulala afterward – the reason I did this was just so he did not get so much of the keppra - Also, he was waking up, stretching and straining around 5:30 every morning for about 3 months soon after he was born - so my husband and I decided to give him less breast milk in case it had to do with Keppra (but the pediatrician did not think it was the keppra at all. ) Overall, his health is excellent and in fact is a very bright kid (very observant, excellent memory etc.)I thank God for giving me the joy of my life - my husband and I went to church every Sunday while I was pregnant and prayed so we could be blessed with a healthy baby – and sure enough he blessed us with not only a healthy baby but a handsome and happy boy!) And I am now 3 months into my pregnancy with my second baby - I am still on keppra - 250mg twice a day - I pray that this one goes as smoothly as the first one. Please pray for me.


GOD BLESS YOU ALL! I HOPE THIS HELPS (sorry for the long note - I hope each one of you can take something from each detail.)

Re: What will happen?

Submitted by jamielynn on Mon, 2013-10-21 - 21:34
HI I am 5 weeks pregnant and am taking Keppra XR 1500mg. How are you feeling? I have been seeing a specialist / Neurologist at the Mayo clinic for 4 years and Keppra is the safest AED there is on the market. I have been told though that taking one drug is healthier than taking 2 at the same time. Do you have a doctor? Lets keep in touch!!

Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by nanci on Thu, 2006-02-02 - 12:24
I was on Depokote for years I was taking off Depokote in the summer and put on Lamactal. Lamactal onlone was not great. Now I am on keppra 1000 mg 3x a day and 200 lamactal in the morning and 300mg at night and Folic Acid I am 38 and not married and no kids As soon as the insurance covers a new med I am going to try it. After being like 97 percent controlled all my life until the summer The keppra and Lamactal just aint working for me Talk to you later Nancy

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