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pregnancy and keppra

Tue, 12/27/2005 - 13:01
Hello everyone I am 28 years old, female, with JME. My doctor has switched me from Depakote to Lamictal and now Keppra. I take Keppra 1000mg a day. Is there anyone, who is on Keppra, who is pregnant or who has had a baby. There is a ton of information of Lamictal and pregnancy but not much of Keppra and pregnancy. My husband and I want to start planning for a family, but we are VERY nervous. My ob/gyn put me on a prenatal vitamin and extra folic acid. I would appreciate any information from anyone. -aspepath


Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by imme on Sat, 2010-02-13 - 15:57

Hi, I am 32 and the mother to two children. My 3 year old was a regular pregnancy and birth and no issues.

On my 18 month old I had a seizure at 12 weeks and a second at 24 weeks so was put on 1000mg keppra, 500 twice a day. DD was born at 38 weeks weighing 7lb 13oz. From consulting with several people - gp's, lactation consultants, referring to Thomas Hale's book "medication and mothers milk" and because I had breastfed my son, I breastfed my daughter for 16 months. The consultant dropped my dosage to 500mg as soon as i gave birth and I used the clock to feed her rather than on demand. I also expressed a bit in the early days for when she decided she wanted to feed before i was ready. Keppra stays in your milk for 6-8 hours it is not the same to compare the dosage the baby gets when you're pregant (far less through the umbilical cord than through breastmilk). However, it is very much doable.

I also used slings to carry my daughter around as i haven't had a seizure since 24 weeks. However,i only got confirmation of my E in the last few days so I had only believed what had happened to me was to do with being pregnant and nothing could happen again. Touch wood it won't but it's scared me a little about having any further children, which i would love.

Hi, I am 32 and the mother to two children. My 3 year old was a regular pregnancy and birth and no issues.

On my 18 month old I had a seizure at 12 weeks and a second at 24 weeks so was put on 1000mg keppra, 500 twice a day. DD was born at 38 weeks weighing 7lb 13oz. From consulting with several people - gp's, lactation consultants, referring to Thomas Hale's book "medication and mothers milk" and because I had breastfed my son, I breastfed my daughter for 16 months. The consultant dropped my dosage to 500mg as soon as i gave birth and I used the clock to feed her rather than on demand. I also expressed a bit in the early days for when she decided she wanted to feed before i was ready. Keppra stays in your milk for 6-8 hours it is not the same to compare the dosage the baby gets when you're pregant (far less through the umbilical cord than through breastmilk). However, it is very much doable.

I also used slings to carry my daughter around as i haven't had a seizure since 24 weeks. However,i only got confirmation of my E in the last few days so I had only believed what had happened to me was to do with being pregnant and nothing could happen again. Touch wood it won't but it's scared me a little about having any further children, which i would love.

Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by karla_89 on Fri, 2011-06-03 - 08:40
im 21 now i started having seizures at 12 years old they said it was hormonal and id grow out of it by the time i was 18 im still having seizures to this day i was on epilim and was on a very high dosage! i talked to the doctors about startibg a family with my partner they have now moved me onto keppra i started on 250md twice aday now they have moved me up to 750mg twice aday as my seizures got worse,i have seizures probaly around 3 times a month they seem to be goin ok at the moment.the doctors told me id have to wait 8 months before getting pregnant to get all the valprorate out of my system. im dying to have a child but myself and my partner are very scared of any problems going wrong during the pregnancy.i have been warned of possible defects that could happen and it upsets me alot to hear that could happen but all you people on here have actuly put my mind to rest abit as i have notised most of you have had normal pregnancy's and you dont no how happy i am to hear that lol. i was pregnant at 16 and for some weird reason my seizures stopped and didnt have any but i wa to young at the time and i made a desion to abort as my seizures before i got pregnant were very bad and i had no partner to support me if i hadm,had the baby and the baby wouldnt of been safe with me on my own so i thought it was for the best i had to think about the baby i was having atleast 4/5 seizures aweek at that time! but now im iv been in a relationship for nearly 5 years and am really wanting to start a family can anyone give me any adive on how to try and keep good control when pregnant and on medication?? many thanks karla x

Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by pregnancy2 on Tue, 2010-01-26 - 17:03
Please let us know what the problems were.  I think we would all like to know.

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