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pregnancy and keppra

Tue, 12/27/2005 - 13:01
Hello everyone I am 28 years old, female, with JME. My doctor has switched me from Depakote to Lamictal and now Keppra. I take Keppra 1000mg a day. Is there anyone, who is on Keppra, who is pregnant or who has had a baby. There is a ton of information of Lamictal and pregnancy but not much of Keppra and pregnancy. My husband and I want to start planning for a family, but we are VERY nervous. My ob/gyn put me on a prenatal vitamin and extra folic acid. I would appreciate any information from anyone. -aspepath


Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by Spiff on Sat, 2008-09-20 - 01:09

Thanks amandolin!  I am on 750 mg of Keppra daily and am currently 16 weeks pregnant.  A specialist I saw said that Keppra should be perfectly safe during pregnancy as long as I took extra folic acid (which I was for almost a year before I got pregnant.)  He also said that breastfeeding should be safe as well, but it is always great to hear from someone who has been through it.  I breastfed my 4 1/2 year old also, but was not on any medications at the time, so I was a little more worried about this one.

Thanks again!


Thanks amandolin!  I am on 750 mg of Keppra daily and am currently 16 weeks pregnant.  A specialist I saw said that Keppra should be perfectly safe during pregnancy as long as I took extra folic acid (which I was for almost a year before I got pregnant.)  He also said that breastfeeding should be safe as well, but it is always great to hear from someone who has been through it.  I breastfed my 4 1/2 year old also, but was not on any medications at the time, so I was a little more worried about this one.

Thanks again!


Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by Frida on Mon, 2009-04-06 - 00:12


Don´t use Keppra wheter you are pregnant or not.  I have a bad experience about Keppra and I advise evryone not to use it.  


Don´t use Keppra wheter you are pregnant or not.  I have a bad experience about Keppra and I advise evryone not to use it.  

Re: pregnancy and keppra

Submitted by Sandrawe on Wed, 2009-10-07 - 10:36
Hei Frida, I am on Keppra, and it works perfect for me. Before Keppra I was on Lamictal, and it gave me a depression, and didn't work well at all - How we react to the meds are very individual, and you just have to find the one that works for you:-) I am also thinking about getting pregnant, so it have be great finding out a little bit more about Keppra and children - so thank you all. Sandra

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