HOBSCOTCH Success Story from Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas

Epilepsy News From: Monday, December 18, 2017

Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas recently had their first HOBSCOTCH graduate. HOBSCOTCH (home based self-management and cognitive training changes lives) is part of the Managing Epilepsy Well Network and is a program delivered in person and by telephone that addresses problems with memory and thinking. Epilepsy Foundation Central & South Texas brought this program to their region. In October 2017, their first participant, Jim, completed the eight sessions by improving his problem-solving therapy skills.

Car Trouble

When Jim first started his sessions, his biggest challenge was with the new car his wife just purchased. The car, with fancy bells and whistles and a push-button start, was intimidating for him. Jim had previous difficult experiences using new technology.

A few years ago, when Jim returned to work after brain surgery, his employer had changed all their software processes. With new memory challenges due to the surgery recovery, he panicked because he had difficulties with the new software. His employer would not give him enough time to learn it comfortably, and he ultimately gave up and retired.

A Familiar Feeling

With the new car, Jim got the same feeling of panic that he had had at work because the car was so unfamiliar. He was worried he would not remember what to do. Through the HOBSCOTCH sessions, he learned how to break down the problems and better cope with new situations.

“Through HOBSCOTCH, I have learned that taking ‘baby steps’ to learn and get familiar with something that is new will help ease the feeling of being completely overwhelmed, unable to deal with the situation, and wanting to give up,” Jim said.

Back on the Road

By the end of the sessions, Jim was preparing to drive the car in an empty parking lot. This was a huge accomplishment for him, considering that when he started he would not even go near the car without feeling panicked. HOBSCOTCH was a turning point that helped him tackle a memory problem that was truly decreasing his independence through ways he had never considered before.

Managing Epilepsy Well (MEW) Network

The MEW Network is a team of people who care about the physical and emotional health of people living with epilepsy, their friends and family, and caregivers. Members of the network include people from universities, community-based organizations (like the Epilepsy Foundation), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Authored by

Liz Dueweke MPH

Reviewed Date

Monday, December 18, 2017

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