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Customer @ work

Sun, 09/23/2012 - 08:09


 Hello people!!

 I work nights at Mcdonald's  & I have some random, customer's come in....   On friday just gone, we had a lovely customer come and chat to me, he said he has epilepsy and I said I do too. What I didnt know was he  would fall to the growned in a seizure!! I have never seen it befoere I'm ALWAYS the PATCENT. Then I had some other customers in store one in pitual was taking the piss!!

 Unfortunatlly he was my naughbour, he asked me what's wrong & I said I don't appisiate people who take the piss out of epilepsy. Anyway The lovely customer came back and said thank you, He also told us that he had diabites.

I just feel am not alone... 



Re: Customer @ work

Submitted by wmgmather on Mon, 2012-09-24 - 10:25

I am happy that the customer told you that he has epilepsy and diabetes.  Sometimes with the decrease in sugar. that can set off a seizure.  Whenever you see a customer like him fall to the ground,  call 911 it might be a grand mal.  He can see that you care about him and his disabilty.  I am also happy that the customer came back to thank you for caring about him.

There are people out there that don't know what epilepsy is so they laugh at what is happening.  I would have seizures at work and needed to let the manager know.  Sometimes I would do something unusual, and he would tell the customer that what I was doing is normal for me. 

I am happy that the customer told you that he has epilepsy and diabetes.  Sometimes with the decrease in sugar. that can set off a seizure.  Whenever you see a customer like him fall to the ground,  call 911 it might be a grand mal.  He can see that you care about him and his disabilty.  I am also happy that the customer came back to thank you for caring about him.

There are people out there that don't know what epilepsy is so they laugh at what is happening.  I would have seizures at work and needed to let the manager know.  Sometimes I would do something unusual, and he would tell the customer that what I was doing is normal for me. 

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