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Drug use

Thu, 05/19/2005 - 08:29

Its seems as though no one has started a disscussion on th positive and negative effects of marajuana(If any). As well as the bodys reaction to other drugs(mushrooms). Not to exclude anyone but if you have teperal lobe damage your info would be much apprieciated. In my own personal expereance I can say without a shodow of doubt that marajuana kept me seizure free for 3 years, however I Did have a seizure when I abrubtly quit after 3 years of daily or near daily usage. Now analyzing this info is simple enough, If you stop taking your seizure medication you will have one. Now this is where many conclusions can be drawn, and differences in individual resonses to drugs can be seen. Please feel free to post your info.                                                                                               If anyone has experiance with epilepsy and mushrooms  please post your info good or bad and it will be recieved with gratitude.       



                PS keep this disscussion as professional as possible


Re: Drug use

Submitted by ltallison on Fri, 2010-08-20 - 19:50
LSD - What if when our parents - parents took LSD in the 60 + 70 have had a knock on effect over the last couple of decades, leading to more as I can see it an uncurable natural phenomenom now called all different types of seizures, but actually the after effects of LSD, I am a father and my daughter is 16 and has seizures and have just put her on I'm sure that more and more people have tried LSD due to it's availability and the talk of an awesome trip or weird trip that has made the new generations prone to seizures.....sounds like one hell of a business plan.......more and more medication without a proper cure.....mmmm....could be onto something here......what if it did contribute and all that is needed is a antidode...

Re: Drug use

Submitted by Seruzies on Mon, 2010-04-05 - 01:00
If I could afford it, I'd smoke Marijuana every day.  I used to smoke all the time when I was younger and never had a seizure.  I used to be a beer drinker and stopped long before my seizures started.  I've always been a light eater and it never fails, if I don't eat right or eat enough, I have a seizure.  A known side-effect by 'many' Marijuana smokers is known as "the munchies", the urge to over-eat when you're high.  I know if I smoked more often, I would eat better because Marijuana always gave me this appetite side-effect.  I've already asked my Dr about a prescription for Marijuana and he wants nothing to do with it.  He also advises I don't smoke it.  It's always said, "Dr knows best" but, the few times I have smoked since I've had Epilepsy, I haven't had seizures and I always feel better, ate better, and slept better.  I'm looking at possible Temporal Lobe surgery and, I'm not going to jump into surgery head first (pardon the pun) unless my Dr let's me try "alternative" methods of treatment.  Surgery for me is going to be a big decision, I'm not going to through with sugery until 'all' treament methods have been explored.  Brain surgery isn't exactly something I'm looking forward to.     

Re: Drug use

Submitted by jimpeterson44 on Wed, 2009-01-14 - 17:07

I can see how using marijuana could have great effects on the epilepsy, but I would stick with only doing it as little as possible. Don't use it to medicate yourself but as a tool to help yourself stay straight. I would never want to be on meds for the rest of my life and I am also looking at other forms of healing for me.

Narconon VistaBay

I can see how using marijuana could have great effects on the epilepsy, but I would stick with only doing it as little as possible. Don't use it to medicate yourself but as a tool to help yourself stay straight. I would never want to be on meds for the rest of my life and I am also looking at other forms of healing for me.

Narconon VistaBay

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