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low glycemic diet

Tue, 04/29/2008 - 00:32
I've been hearing a lot about low glycemic index or low glycemic load diet, is there anyone with any experience with this diet treatment for seizures, esp. absence?


Re: low glycemic diet

Submitted by bleedingheart on Wed, 2008-05-21 - 23:44
I have followed a low-glycemic index diet and lost a lot of weight. I continue to take Tegretol to prevent tonic-clonic seizures (my doctor thinks I am at risk for absence seizures but I think I outgrew those a very long time ago)but I have more energy at my lower weight so I really can get out and exercise which leads to a good night's rest and reduced risk for seizures. It also helps me deal with mild depression. Weight reduction on any diet may give a person a chance to ask their doctor to reduce the dose of medication according to their lower weight.

Re: low glycemic diet

Submitted by marciaouellet on Thu, 2008-05-22 - 05:30

HI !

 My son had absence seizures 9 months ago he is in Keppra,at firts he was deppressed,low energy,i stared him in fish oil,isotonic multvitamine and b-complex it helped him HUGE!!now i stared my own businesses from home,

my name is Marcia Ouellet and #781-492-8281

HI !

 My son had absence seizures 9 months ago he is in Keppra,at firts he was deppressed,low energy,i stared him in fish oil,isotonic multvitamine and b-complex it helped him HUGE!!now i stared my own businesses from home,

my name is Marcia Ouellet and #781-492-8281

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