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OMEGA 3 6 9

Mon, 09/07/2009 - 17:06

Hello everyone,

I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 16, I am now 30 yrs old.  For the most part my seizures are under control.  I take tegretol to control them.  It has been the only med that has helped keep me under control. However, i have gained alot of weight while on them.

I have been hearing alot about Omega 3 6 help with brain function and also increase energy levels and metabolism, since it is the good fat that your body needs. I was wondering if anyone has tried this and if so how did it work.   I did buy a bottle of the capsules that I plan on giving a try tonight. I was hoping that it would also help me get my weight back under control.  Any information would be helpful.  I am always a bit nervous about trying different things for fear it will trigger more seizures.  However, I am feeling pretty good about this one.  Look forward to hearing your responses


Re: OMEGA 3 6 9

Submitted by wyboemail on Mon, 2009-09-07 - 21:39

My 11 year old son started taking fish oil about 1 year ago and I am not sure if it has helped with his E but his eye site did improve dramatically. Be sure to take Nordic Naturals omega 3 6 9 sinc eit has no bad added ingredients in it.


My 11 year old son started taking fish oil about 1 year ago and I am not sure if it has helped with his E but his eye site did improve dramatically. Be sure to take Nordic Naturals omega 3 6 9 sinc eit has no bad added ingredients in it.


Re: OMEGA 3 6 9

Submitted by mickey23 on Tue, 2009-09-08 - 01:52
thanks for the reply curtis, glad to hear about your sons eyesight improving, my eyesight can also use some improvement.  I tried my first dose tonight, so I will see how it goes. 

Re: OMEGA 3 6 9

Submitted by bleedingheart on Wed, 2009-09-30 - 15:23
I started taking fish oil capsules afew weeks ago. I found it helped with mild depression; I woke up feeling better than I did before taking them. I have been taking Tegretol XR for 19 years now with no side-effects or seizures. I don't know if the fish oil capsules helped with weight control but I believe if a person can have a healthy happy brain they will feel more like exercising and going out. I do have a lacto-vegetarian diet, where dairy products are the only animal protein I eat. I also eat lots of low-glycemic foods to control my appetite and keep a healthy weight (I am not diabetic). Hope this helps.

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