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vns challenge

Fri, 03/31/2006 - 15:32
i had the vns implant in november 2005 - reasonably successful. Just a challenge to the men in white (not neccesarily thick glassess,since lazer surgery have solved that problem) I do not get an aura. Anyway a very logical solutions is to link an additional wire to where ever that can send a signakl back to the stimulator 'RED ALERT, SEIZUE COMMING! SEISURE COMING! this signal activates the read switch and stops the seizure. In the age of technological advance after a 10 year period in the market Cyberonics can improve on their meagre improvement in battery life...Come on you fucking geeks, there are real people in the real world suffering because of your money driven obsession to get this device approved for depression. Im just another idiot with no knowlefge but just let me know that you have consudered the possibilities and are working at it...a ray of light at the end of a dark tunnel is all an epileptic have no idea what it is like to get this feeling that you are overwelmed by an external force that knocks you flat as soon as you feel possitive. Im not a person that feels sorry for myself and are working toward a lifew on the streets with avalid excuse. Believe i have tried, studied (B com & MBA)2 brain operations to remove the focus...nice to be lab rat...once again the curious white coats scraching in my cpu to see what the end result will be. Not much changed, still the same arsehole I use to be, just lost the staried eyed look of trust in the medical proffession. Sorry for my boring contribution but the bottomline is that there nust be more cyberonics can do, or is there, tell us...if you care... Keep your sense of humour and hang in there Regards Jack


Re: vns challenge

Submitted by birdbomb on Mon, 2006-04-10 - 09:54
How can they do more when they don't even know or understand why this works in some people? They keep testing it for other maladies, yet cannot satuate any market becuse it's effective rate isn't all that great. Insurance companies think it's too experimental and it's quite expensive for something with no guarentee to even work. The marketing fluff is just that. Want the truth? read the MAUDE reports found in the FDA site.

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