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Any one else have this problem?

Sat, 05/21/2005 - 09:04

First of all, let me say I am so glad to find you all.  It's nice to know you're not alone.  Since I am the only one in my family with epilepsy, I was beginning to feel like my own little island!

I was recently diagnosed with TLE.  I have the typical spots, panic seizures, tunnel sensations, hearing things that aren't there, you name it.  But I also have periods where the right side of my body jerks, particularly my right leg.  Sometimes right before it happens I get a crawling sensation on the right side of my head, like someone was tickling my brain.   I was wondering if anyone else experienced the same thing?  I wanted to ask my doctor, but you know how they are, busy, busy, and I always feel like I'm bugging them so I tend to keep my mouth shut.  I was started on Topomax, but quickly taken off of it (What a horrid med!).  I'm currently taking Trileptal 150 mg x2 a day, but am supposed to increase to 300 mg x2 a day soon.  It seems to have begun to help with the other seizures(I haven't had one in a few days, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything), but not the jerking. Does anyone else have these or is this something not related?


RE: Any one else have this problem?

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Fri, 2005-05-20 - 17:52

Hi Sunshine :)

Welcome...I don't have the jerking thing, but I have heard others mention it. I, too, have TLE. Have you looked up seizures on There are ALL kinds of seizures, my neuro is quick to point out. The jerking may be part of the complex partial or maybe it's another type of seizure altogether. I don't know. A good place to start is writing out a timeline. For example, you notice that tickling sensation..then, your leg jerks...onto feeling panicked, and then spacing out for a minute. Whatever your pattern may be, write it down. Then you can share your observations with your doc.

Don't be embarassed. Your doc needs to know whether or not your meds are working. If you don't give him/her all of the facts, you won't get proper care. If you already know your pattern, even better! Call the doc today and let them know what you're experiencing. And don't EVER feel as though you're bugging your doc! That's what he/she gets paid the big bucks for!! LOL We're talking about your health...the most important's crucial that all aspects of your care are seen to. If the doc you see is always seeming annoyed with you, for addressing all your concerns, then get another doctor!

Good luck to you, see ya around :)



Hi Sunshine :)

Welcome...I don't have the jerking thing, but I have heard others mention it. I, too, have TLE. Have you looked up seizures on There are ALL kinds of seizures, my neuro is quick to point out. The jerking may be part of the complex partial or maybe it's another type of seizure altogether. I don't know. A good place to start is writing out a timeline. For example, you notice that tickling sensation..then, your leg jerks...onto feeling panicked, and then spacing out for a minute. Whatever your pattern may be, write it down. Then you can share your observations with your doc.

Don't be embarassed. Your doc needs to know whether or not your meds are working. If you don't give him/her all of the facts, you won't get proper care. If you already know your pattern, even better! Call the doc today and let them know what you're experiencing. And don't EVER feel as though you're bugging your doc! That's what he/she gets paid the big bucks for!! LOL We're talking about your health...the most important's crucial that all aspects of your care are seen to. If the doc you see is always seeming annoyed with you, for addressing all your concerns, then get another doctor!

Good luck to you, see ya around :)



RE: Any one else have this problem?

Submitted by angel_lts on Sat, 2005-05-21 - 09:04
Welcome to the group. I dont have that type of feeling, but we all have different types of feelings. I can tell you, I am on trileptal and like it very much, but everyone is different. It does cause low sodium and if it gets too low it will cause a grand mal seizure. So keep an eye on that. Or keep gatorade in the house or soup. Sometimes when I dont have enough sleep I feel slightly dizzy once in a great while.Lisa

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