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Can Exposure to Excessive fumes cause Seizures?

Mon, 05/04/2015 - 05:58

I have been at this part of my job for several years.  My office is attached to a bus garage and I am overly exposed to daily fumes from forklifts, buses, trucks, etc - it has been noted since 2008.  The girl before me quit due to health concerns.  My seizures started about 6-8 months after I started there.  My neurologist says she doesnt think that could be the cause.....I dont believe her.   It is overbearing and I get high from it - I dont see how it couldn't be hurtful.  It is my income and my health coverage.  My doc says if I feel my job is causing health problems find another job - except I cant drive.....any expert advice out there?  Can exposure to fumes cause seizures in very healthy 49year old women with no other health conditions?  I have not missed a day in 5 years until this.....


WelcomeI would say your

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2015-05-04 - 13:42
WelcomeI would say your neurologist knows more about what can cause your seizures then you do.Ok I started having seizures after I was in junior high so is going to school the cause of my epilepsy??All a seizure is "is an electrical impulse going off wrong in the brain causing a chain reaction"  Now the question is what can cause an electrical impulse to go off wrong... After testing I m case it is scared brain tissue from a hemorrhage to the brain which came from a blow to my head. With others it could be a malformation while in birth. With many more they can't find the cause. Do fumes cause epilepsy? NO they can cause other problems but they would be other issues like COPD. Which can come from many different things and yes smog may have something to do with it.As for a healthy person getting epilepsy..... ANYONE be they rich or poor any race old or young can get epilepsy. I was a happy healthy kid and a young teen when the diagnosis was given.Your boss or the company you work for definitely has a valued worker. But you seem to put your driving as a reason you can't get another job. I have never driven and have had many different jobs. I lived in areas with little public transportation. But I got to and from work and was on time and I had no problem getting home if I had to work overtime.

I don't see a date on this

Submitted by hbsnam on Sat, 2017-03-04 - 06:14
I don't see a date on this topic so not sure how old this is, how long ago this was posted. I was diagnosed with Epilepsy after suffering a sudden seizure in November 2016 (no diagnosis was made at the time, GP discharged me from hospital and referred me to a Neurosurgeon but I could only see him in January this year) and then again in December 2016 while sitting in my car waiting for a client (I am an Estate Agent) due to a growth that the Dr's believe has been there for a number of years already (never had any previous indication of Epilepsy, just headaches at times which I considered 'normal'). I am single and have been living in a flat above a friend's mechanical workshop in an Industrial Area for about 2 years now (emergency accommodation at the time, now comfort zone, reluctant to move), mostly working from my flat, and being exposed to fumes like exhaust gasses, petrol fumes, paint fumes etc. The Neurologist's (two, one locally and one in South Africa) I consulted don't think this to be a cause for or a trigger for Epilepsy. A faith healer my mother consults (not me) claims the fumes are at least partly to blame for my Epilepsy. I am on Epilim since December, quite a high dosage of 800 mg 3 x a day, which I feel makes me quite tired, I have been told by one Neurologist he feel's I can reduce my dosage so have changed to 2 x 800 mg a day (taking a chance but so far so good). Btw, no seizures since the last one in December. While I am reluctant to believe the healer I do feel lightheaded at times with the fumes. The Neurologist's recon my tumor is non - cancerous and is easy to remove without affecting my motor skills, but I am still very reluctant to have the operation done. 

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