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Can messed up blood levels cause my son to seiz. more?

Sun, 03/12/2006 - 14:42
Hello. hope someone out there knows something about the metabolism . I dont. need some help. Im new and loving this site! my son Donald has alot of issues, epilepsy is just one of them. ( i just made a post in the parent section called HELP all moms, complex parial 6-10 yr. olds look like?) Any way.. Can dangerously low sodium(SP) leveles make seizure more frequent of sever? Donald wound up in the hospital for 5 days in the beginning of Feb. for grand mal and complex partial clusters. They said i could not give him anymore extra water in hid g-tube.. It was making his sodium levels low, along with his tegratol med. He was hooked up to the v-eeg for the stay and of course we did nt see him seiz once.. uugggh. hope to hear from someone and thanx!!!!!!


Re: Can messed up blood levels cause my son to seiz. more?

Submitted by angel_lts on Sun, 2006-03-12 - 15:26
Yes low sodium can cause seizures, I have dealt with it with trileptal badly. I had to be careful of the consumption of liquids. And your son is on tegretal which is in the same family as trileptal. That also can cause low sodium in SOME people. But I was always told, no matter what meds I was on, to watch and spread out the fluids. take care Lisa

Re: Can messed up blood levels cause my son to seiz. more?

Submitted by Jana33 on Sun, 2006-03-12 - 17:12
I was diagnosis on 03/06/2006 with having seizure and he put me on Trileptal 300mg twice a day. So now I have to watch my sodium. well I go back in three month to see the docotr so maybe he will order a blood test to see how it is going.

Re: Re: Can messed up blood levels cause my son to seiz. more?

Submitted by angel_lts on Sun, 2006-03-12 - 18:25
Now my trileptal with low sodium has changed. We lowered the dose and I dont have that problem anymore. We had to add a new med Lyrica with Trileptal. Best of luck Lisa

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