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dont know whats wrong with me, advice needed?!

Fri, 08/29/2014 - 10:33

hello, my names Natasha and I'm 22, basically back when i was 15 i had a very late night out with some friends in the morning when i woke i was still extremely tired, someone knocked the door and i went to answer and i just ended up on the floor! its like my brain had some kind of spasm and my heart was racing i had no idea what was happening, i then went to the kitchen with my friend to tell her what ad happened and it happened again without warning, i just went flying across the kitchen, she said that it looked like someone had pushed me. so i went to the doctors and they ordered that i have an EEG suspecting that i may have epilepsy or a tumor, but the test came back clear.

from then the doctors just said that they couldn't help me so i went years without knowing what i have. my seizures started to calm down up until 2013 when i had my son, i was very sleep deprived and always tired and that when my seizures came back, one morning my sister came over quiet early and i went to the living room ad sat down to eat breakfast and the next thing i know my hands just flew uo into the air and my food was all over me and i felt like my brain was twitching! another time i was cooking over the hob and felt absolutely fine and without any warning sign i just flew back and landed on the ground and my sister said it looked as if i had been pushed! 

my seizures vary though they are not always so bad that i end up on the floor, sometimes when i try to concentrate my hands start to jerk and my brain starts jumping about like its going on and off, its like the more i try to concentrate the worse it is, if i try to move something with my foot i go into a twitching mode or if I'm trying to put my sons books back and turning them the right way round my twitching kicks off! 

i really need help its getting me down, i have been suffering for 7 years now and really just want to get it sorted but the doctors just seem to not really care, i have been sent for cardiac tests and its nothing to do with my heart, i think its obvious that its neurological.

if anyone could give any advise i would be ever grateful 




also something that i forgot

Submitted by [email protected] on Fri, 2014-08-29 - 10:39
also something that i forgot to mention is that i find it difficult reading, when i really my brain goes into spasms and i start to stammer, and if im talking sometimes i just come out with a very strange noise like im stammering but im not stammering?! it can be quiet embarrassing at times.

Natasha You posted you saw

Submitted by just_joe on Sun, 2014-08-31 - 13:24
Natasha You posted you saw doctors and they said they couldn't help you. Were any of them specialists in epilepsy? If not then have your doctor set up an appt with a neurologist who specialises in epilepsy. You can also tell the neurologist about the EEG and he may be able to get it. Also tell him everything you posted here since if they were seizures he would be able to varify with the information on the EEG and your frinds and sister. Your posts about cardiologists is true they pecialize in hearts and not the brain or neuro system.  All a seizure is is an electrical impulse going off wrong in the brain which causes a chain reaction. I hope this helps and you get teh assistance you need. Please come back and let us know how things went or are going. Joe

I am helping to you mail

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2014-09-01 - 08:41
I am helping to you [email protected] Contact number-919629705783

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