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first video eeg. help please

Sat, 11/01/2014 - 23:30

hi im dani. im 22 and have had siezures since i was 14. i never talked to doctors about it till last year because i was scared. i still am but im more scared about the damage happening from the siezures. i got a sleep deprived eeg last year sometime ( i have a pretty bad memory so i dont know when it was.). it came back normal and the doctors just ignored my siezure problem ( great doctors i know). im now seeing a new doctor and he had me go to a neuroligist. btw they are some weird people lol. he is having me do an extended stay video and audio eeg. i just want to know what might happen while im there. im already freaking out cause im getting an iv.... im terrified of needles... so any advice would be great.


Also, I have them usually

Submitted by [email protected] on Sat, 2014-11-01 - 23:32
Also, I have them usually around two times a month and they look like tonic clonic seizures. They usually last about ten minutes as well. And are usually at night. Thanks all

...Continue...Electrodes on

Submitted by [email protected] on Wed, 2014-11-19 - 10:45
...Continue...Electrodes on the scalp can only pick up the signal from the top of your brain. If the seizures originate deep in the brain you may see normal brain wave patterns at the same time the video may show person seizing. Without video you could have another EEG test that shows normal activity.  So don't be afraid. Sometimes the seizures are activated by triggers in patient's home. For example flickering light from the ceiling fan or patient moving against partially open blinds. Recognizing such factors and removing them can decrease many seizures. in Michigan

Submitted by [email protected] on Thu, 2014-11-20 - 13:13 in Michigan provides clinical and home EEG testing, including video. 248 330 3520 

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