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going in for a video something???

Fri, 07/15/2005 - 19:52
I have been told that next week I will be checked in to Shands Jacksonville for 2or3 days for some kind of video and scan monitoring while I sleep? I have a lot of seizures at night and they want to try to cathch me having one? Any advice? My doctor is great but he has a very thick accent and I don't always catch everything he says. He understands me, I just don't always get him. Like I can't remember the name of the scan! OF course that could be the topomax? Anyway, they are obtaining authorization from my insurance com. Tricare. Anyone out there tricare know if they will cover this? He says if this doesn't show anything then he will do the MRI. I am kind of confused cause I thought normally the MRI was done first. I am pretty happy that someone is doing something at all. Anyway, any help or advice?


RE: going in for a video something???

Submitted by txrhb1 on Fri, 2005-07-15 - 19:35

Hi -

It sounds like you are going in for a video EEG.  They will hook you up to the EEG monitors and keep you on a video for however long you are there.  The EEG will monitor your brainwaves for any epileptiform discharges.  The purpose of the video is to catch your movements, sounds you make, and the physical effects of your seizures.  This test is very helpful in diagnosing the type of seizures you have.  Many times, they will either remove your medication completely, or at least drop the dose.  I had it done back in April, and the biggest problem for me was the boredom.  here are a few tips that I would suggest:

 - Take something to read, or keep your mind occupied
 - Take clothes that button up, rather than t-shirt type where you have to pull it over your head (with the electrodes, you won't be able to remove a pullover)
 - Snacks

Even though I did not have one of my "typical" seizures, they were able to see the abnormal electrical activity and determine where the seizures are coming from.  I did have an MRI afterwards, and it gave them a lot more information.

I'm no doctor, and maybe others can give you some more information.  Bless you, and good luck with the tests!


Hi -

It sounds like you are going in for a video EEG.  They will hook you up to the EEG monitors and keep you on a video for however long you are there.  The EEG will monitor your brainwaves for any epileptiform discharges.  The purpose of the video is to catch your movements, sounds you make, and the physical effects of your seizures.  This test is very helpful in diagnosing the type of seizures you have.  Many times, they will either remove your medication completely, or at least drop the dose.  I had it done back in April, and the biggest problem for me was the boredom.  here are a few tips that I would suggest:

 - Take something to read, or keep your mind occupied
 - Take clothes that button up, rather than t-shirt type where you have to pull it over your head (with the electrodes, you won't be able to remove a pullover)
 - Snacks

Even though I did not have one of my "typical" seizures, they were able to see the abnormal electrical activity and determine where the seizures are coming from.  I did have an MRI afterwards, and it gave them a lot more information.

I'm no doctor, and maybe others can give you some more information.  Bless you, and good luck with the tests!


RE: RE: going in for a video something???

Submitted by maive on Fri, 2005-07-15 - 19:50
THANK YOU! I was wondering what to wear! Isnt' that silly. But you know I really didn't want to be stuck in a gown for three days. Well, if this is that much help then I am all for it! You relieved my mind. I didn't want to go in for another test that might or might not help at all. :)

RE: going in for a video something???

Submitted by maggie on Fri, 2005-07-15 - 19:52
Hi Maive,I was in the hosp.2days,on the they did the VEEG.I had 3-MRI,1-CT scan,and 2-EEG.they all came back normal.When they did the VEEG,that was the only test that came back abnormal.Simple Partial seizures.I was told that sometimes all the tests can come back normal but it could just mean that it is not picking up the seizure activity because it is to deep in the brain.It not that you want them to find something wrong,but you just want to know why this is happening and why you feel the way you do and how can it be treated.Doctors deal with this everday but to us it is a big deal.The test does not hurt at all.They put glue/paste on my head then stuck the electrodes on,there was a t.v. screen in front of me with a camera on a pole.The camera does not flash but keeps taking your picture so they can see how you act during,before/after seizure.It is boring.Good luck.Hope this helps.

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