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Had MRI today, finally getting the ball rolling on a diagnosis...

Wed, 12/21/2005 - 19:14
Hello all! It has been quite some time since I posted. A little history in case no one remembers me, I was in a MVA (rear ended while stopped, other car going 40 mph, hit head on head rest, had whiplash) in Sept 2004 and two weeks later started having strange "spells" that included an out of body feeling and an incredibly strong feeling of deja vu. My family doctors made it clear that they thought it was just my anxiety disorder. I tried to tell them that I KNEW it wasn't, that it felt completely different, but they ignored me. I kept track of my "spells" and noticed there was a marked increase during my menses and ovulation. Well, Monday I saw a new family doctor. He was very nice and said he felt like it was completely acceptable to do testing to see what is going on, and he also said it could very well be seizures. Today I went for an MRI, with and without contrast. The tech told me that my doc would have the results by Friday. Tuesday morning I go for a sleep deprived EEG. I am a little nervous at the prospect of going 24 hours w/o sleep, but I am know it is important in getting accurate readings. So, I guess I have a few questions... One, do most people with epilepsy show changes on MRI? I suspect mine is TLE, since my symptoms are all psychic, but I don't know if something will beon the MRI. Two, will the EEG only be abnormal if I actually have a seizure during the study, or are there changes in the waves between seizures? Three, how long will the sleep deprived EEG take, and what exactly is done during one? Any help/info would be greatly appreciated! TIA! Stacie


Re: Had MRI today, finally getting the ball rolling on a diagnos

Submitted by Kaya579 on Wed, 2005-12-21 - 19:39
Hi, How have you been? I hope all is well and I hope your tests go very well, too. I just had a sleep deprived EEG a few weeks ago at Albany Med Hospital. The times vary, depending on how many seizures you have and the results that the doctors get- if the tests/seizures are actually long enough and show what is needed. I was at the hospital for less than 3 days. I had 7 seizures in 2 days and the EEG showed that the cyst in my head is where the seizures are happening and that it needs to come out, if surgery is an option. So, more tests are being scheduled all winter long. The brain waves change with all sorts of mental actions, the most changes happen with seizures. It's a good thing, though. It's what the doctors want. The more nervous you get, the more irritating it will be. Just watch tv and bring a bunch of crossword puzzle books. Keep yourself occuppied.....You'll be fine. :) IM me if you'd like, if you see me here, while you're there. I'm usually here at night. Hugs and love. -Kelly

Re: Had MRI today, finally getting the ball rolling on a diagnos

Submitted by txrhb1 on Wed, 2005-12-21 - 20:23

Hi Stacie! Good to see you again! I am so glad you kept pushing, and are finally getting the testing done. Sounds like a good family doc you found there. Here's the experiences I have had relating to your questions: 1. Not everybody with epilepsy has changes on the MRI. My MRI shows lesions in the RTL. My daughter's shows nothing. I have heard of several people w/ confirmed epilepsy and normal MRI's. 2. My EEG is abnormal, even when not having a seizure. I have abnormal brain activity most of the time it seems. Every single EEG I have ever had has been abnormal, and I have had very few seizures when actually being recorded. On the other hand, my daughter's EEG's are normal, except right before, during and after a seizure. 3. When they do outpatient sleep deprived EEG's on my daughter and I, it usually has taken between 30 and 45 minutes for the actual recording. Of course, it also takes time to put on the electrodes, and take them out. (the fun part !!) FYI, Pam posted a method for removing the EEG glue that they use, you might check it out at the following post: The glue is the worst part of any EEG to me, and Pam says this works great ! There are so many causes and effects from epilepsy, and I have heard so many different stories about testing and results. Have you taken a look at the info on the main page, about diagnostic testing? There's some good info at that you may want to look at. I hope all goes well, and you get some answers. Keep us posted! ((( blessings ))), Barbie *************************************** "We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other." -lucian de crescenzo

Hi Stacie! Good to see you again! I am so glad you kept pushing, and are finally getting the testing done. Sounds like a good family doc you found there. Here's the experiences I have had relating to your questions: 1. Not everybody with epilepsy has changes on the MRI. My MRI shows lesions in the RTL. My daughter's shows nothing. I have heard of several people w/ confirmed epilepsy and normal MRI's. 2. My EEG is abnormal, even when not having a seizure. I have abnormal brain activity most of the time it seems. Every single EEG I have ever had has been abnormal, and I have had very few seizures when actually being recorded. On the other hand, my daughter's EEG's are normal, except right before, during and after a seizure. 3. When they do outpatient sleep deprived EEG's on my daughter and I, it usually has taken between 30 and 45 minutes for the actual recording. Of course, it also takes time to put on the electrodes, and take them out. (the fun part !!) FYI, Pam posted a method for removing the EEG glue that they use, you might check it out at the following post: The glue is the worst part of any EEG to me, and Pam says this works great ! There are so many causes and effects from epilepsy, and I have heard so many different stories about testing and results. Have you taken a look at the info on the main page, about diagnostic testing? There's some good info at that you may want to look at. I hope all goes well, and you get some answers. Keep us posted! ((( blessings ))), Barbie *************************************** "We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other." -lucian de crescenzo

Re: Re: Had MRI today, finally getting the ball rolling on a dia

Submitted by staciem on Sun, 2006-01-29 - 17:09
Thanks everyone! Here is a quick update on me. Due to some family issues I had to reschedule my EEG, which is being done THIS Tues (the 31ST). Ill keep you all posted! Stacie M :-)

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