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Help! Can someone explain my EEG results, please?!

Sun, 10/25/2015 - 06:28
Can somebody help me decipher what exactly my latest EEG results mean please? This has been the longest 7 (almost 8 years) of my life and just found a neurologist who is actually listening to me and understanding me totally. Its been hell. Now, these results I looked up and believe it may be medial epilepsy (maybe that's not the correct term?) considering nearly all the symptoms and details describe my issues. Either way it's frustrating and I would love to now what this means, how serious it is and what may happen from here if I still have 1-2 grand mals monthly as well as up to 5 or more partials (partials usually in my sleep but also when awake) even while on medication, which has helped considerably as I was having up to 13 grand mals a month when seizures first started in 2008ish. I also had meningitis when I was 12 years old which I read those who suffer from medial seizures are more prone to sicknesses like that. I am now 28. Does this mean medication is not working still? Also, migraines are nearly a weekly thing and headaches to some degree are daily, if not constant. It's a pretty long description so I will just give what the impression says: 1. This is an abnormal EEG showing frequent focal slowing and epileptiform activity in the left temporal region, indicating both a focal cortical and neuronal disturbance in this area as well as a marked increase risk for seizures of the left anterior temporal origin. 2. Less frequent epileptiform activity seen independently in the right anterior temporal region, indicating an independent focus for seizures in the right anterior temporal region as well. Althoughthere was a lot of epileptiform activity, there was no electrographic seizures. I don't see my new neurologist for a follow up visit of the EEG results until the middle of December. Any help would be awesome! Thanks in advance to anyone can help.


It says no electrographic

Submitted by crabby0910 on Thu, 2015-10-29 - 21:07
It says no electrographic seizures, probably no abnormal spikes during EEG  scan process. Please sched an appt with doc . if it is the doc who requested EEG, you can take the results(paper) to him to be interpreted... They usually sched ff up to discuss the result...

1. This is an abnormal EEG

Submitted by just_joe on Thu, 2015-11-05 - 15:31
1. This is an abnormal EEG showing frequent focal slowing ___ All that I needed to see was this. An abnormal EEG shows seizure activity and where in teh brain they have been seen.neuronal disturbance in this area as well as a marked increase risk for seizures ___ By showing the marked increase risk for seizures Now do keep trsck of the number of seizures yo uhave been having. Make sure you take your meds . If the RX says 2 times a day those times need to be 12 hours apart unless your neurologist states differently.

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