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I need your help suspected simple partial seizures

Wed, 02/20/2019 - 14:43
Hi guys, I’m new to this. I been having some pretty funny episodes here lately which I’m convinced are simple partial seizures.. I’ve had a ct scan at the emergency room and it has come back clean. They referred me to a neurologist. The neurologist completely dismissed everything I told him that I’ve been experiencing/ going through and told me they are panic attacks! He said not all panic attacks feel the same but my symptoms are exact panic attack symptoms and NOT epileptic seizures. He is only willing to do a 1 hour eeg and send me on my way. I went to my GP and she is willing to refer me elsewhere for a second opinion because I know my body, and these aren’t panic attacks. Can somebody help me? I’ll list the symptoms below. They’re typically right after I awake in the morning/wake me out of sleep/if my boyfriends alarm goes off in the morning. Or sometimes during the day. Currently I’m having these “episodes” multiple times daily. I also feel weird before the “episodes” happen, like I can feel them about to take place if that makes sense. I get quiet and anxious, don’t like to be spoken to or people around me speaking period. It feels almost as if my brain is deprived of oxygen I get restless or sometimes just freeze in a ball until the feelings pass Ringing in ears/hissing Breathing slows/ SOB I get nauseous sometimes I belch I swallow repeatedly Tingling feeling from head to toe starts in head Hazey feeling in head/just like my brain is ”fritzing” if that makes sense Tempature rises/sweaty Raised heart beat Chest tightness Clench jaw Blank stares almost zoning out Overwhelming fear/paranoia Dilated pupils Aware but Difficult to find words Hoarse voice Agitation Just an overall WEIRD feeling Afterwards, I just feel off/dizzy/lightheaded and it’s a relief to “come back to earth” as I call it, and am exhausted and typically take a nap. If not, I just feel odd until I get some sleep. Sorry if it’s too long, I hope somebody reads & replies. I really need advice. TIA xoxo


I would examine diet. Do you

Submitted by Yogagirl38 on Thu, 2019-02-21 - 07:47
I would examine diet. Do you get heavy periods? If so, you are probably iron deficient. You can have iron deficiency without anemia, and that makes your body experience everything you just described. Do NOT take iron supplements without having ferritin, iron, TIBC, and CBC checked first as taking irok when you don’t need it can put you into liver failure from iron overload. So try fixing yourself with diet. If you fix yourself with diet, then you were probably non-anemic iron deficient, or hypoglycemic, or experiencing reactive hypoglycemia from not eating enough fat and red meat. So try to eat more red meat. If steak makes you constipated, then eat ground beef/pork/veal as that is mechanically broken down and won’t lead to constipation. Eat hard cheeses for fat if you are lactose intolerant, as hard cheese is lactose free. Eat high vitamin C cooked vegetables when you eat non-hene iron foods to absorb non-heme iron. Shoot to have a 4 ounce serving of red meat every day, or at least 4 times a week. If steak, marinate 30 minutes prior to cooking to reduce heterocyclic amines. With ground beef also marinate and cook with rosemary, garlic, etc. Red meat is the best thing for people to eat daily, as long as they are marinating it or cooking with rosemary or garlic to reduce HAs. Shoot to have seafood at least 4 days per week. Choose lower mercury/lower PCB methods such as eat: salmon (remove skin prior to cooking due to PCBs) , canned LIGHT tuna, sardines, octopus, squid. The brain functions better (and reduces anxiety) with Omega 3s. You can only get a decent amount from fish. Grassfed meat and flaxfed eggs have some but the amount isnt enough. Same with nuts and oils... your body has to convert before absorbing and at that point u absorb so little it’s less than a flaxfed egg. Do NOT take fish oil supplements; they can actually induce seizures because it’s too much oil without the other components of the fish. ALWAYS chose food not supplements. Figure out your macros, maybe you aren’t eating enough. If your doctor can’t find anything wrong i 100 percent think it’s diet and you are lacking something. Cooking with heavy cream and lots of fat would be helpful to you as well but if if that and butter makes you gag then u dont need dairy as long as you are eating lots of seafood for vitamin D, eating red meat for all the amino acids. Again you should be fine with hard cheese. Seriously i post this because ive seen hundreds of women not taken seriously, or told they are depressed, stressed, or have fibromyalgia when actually they are non-anemic iron deficient (experiencing everything u just typed) and they cure themselves with dietary change. Good luck!

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