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i think i was about to have a seizure ?

Sat, 11/01/2014 - 16:05
I was sitting on the couch and I was just waking up from a nap then I tried to open my eyes and all of a sudden my whole body froze and I felt like I had some electric thing my mind to my arms and down my whole back, mainly in the middle of it, and I was trying to move my fingers slowly so I could get calm and then I couldn't at all and then you know how people do that wired thing with thier fingers? Mine where like that I felt them like that and then you know when a TVs is doesn't have service or something and it's grey and black squares? My eyes where seeing that but they where half closed . I could only see the bottom part of my TVs. I was thinking calm down and breath and when I tried to breath slowly I couldnt and It just made the electricity in my head and arms and back feel worse and then my fingers where like viberating and then I tried to breath harder, I don't remember What else happened but I started breathing really hard and now I have little head ache. Does anybody know What happene to me?


In your brain you have region

Submitted by [email protected] on Thu, 2014-11-20 - 13:36
In your brain you have region called Reticular Activating System. Every time you go to sleep it comes a time when it disconnects your brain from the rest of the body. That is why you are not acting out your dreams like lunatics do. If you awake during the phase when RAS is connecting you may experience the feeling of not having the body, electric-like surges, inability to move body or parts of the body. What happens is normal. What is not normal is the fact that you awoke during this time. In essence this happens to everyone, every night. Except no one is aware of the fact.

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