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left Hippocampal scelrosis and early childhood TBI with head injuries

Fri, 08/22/2014 - 21:47
Anyone have abnormal mri and I believe. I had a ct scan unsure over a year ago I had testing since then I have had multiple hard blows to the head including loss of consciousness. how does this effect the brain and epileptic. Seizures if I have them which diagnostically. Speaking I have PNES


I don't know how an MRI be

Submitted by just_joe on Fri, 2014-08-22 - 22:05
I don't know how an MRI be abnormal. What the MRI more or less is is a picture of the brain which would show anything different from what it should be. As for your CT scan welllllllllll it shows things kinds like a MRI pictures. Now for your "multiple hard blows to the head including loss of consciousness" That could have caused some issues. I say that because a blow to the head can cause a hemmorage to the brain. The hemmorage can then cause scared brain tissue. Scared brain tissue is what caused my epilepsy.  The test I was given was the MRI of the 1960's believe me yo uwould not want to take a neuro-angeogram and have a spinal tap done at the same time. At the present time many doctors are trying to determine exactly where to put PNES.

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