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MRI abnormalities?

Mon, 05/09/2005 - 09:41
What exactly would a layman look for in a MRI report, to be conducive to epilepsy? I got my report, and my gaaawd...the language should be rated! Any help would be greatly appreciated!Keep safe...classy


RE: MRI abnormalities?

Submitted by kwgreulich on Wed, 2005-05-04 - 17:19

I can't tell you a whole lot, just some of what i know from my experience as a patient. I had my first MRI done in January of 2003. The report listed fluid on the brain, however this actually turned out to be scar tissue from my previous brain surgery. ( I had hydro-encephalytis & meningitis as a child. ) It also listed abnormal size & shape. This was done here in the town where i live and the doctors have limited knowledge & experience.

In March i ended up in the hospital in Portland, Oregon for the second time that year and they recorded 67 seizures. The doctors had MRIs done focused on the areas where the seizures started. They found dead brain tissue caused by lack of Oxygen during the seizures. MRIs were also done while i was in the hospital for left temporal lobectomy July 15 - Sept 7 up there in Portland. I don't know what all they found at that time.

I can't tell you a whole lot, just some of what i know from my experience as a patient. I had my first MRI done in January of 2003. The report listed fluid on the brain, however this actually turned out to be scar tissue from my previous brain surgery. ( I had hydro-encephalytis & meningitis as a child. ) It also listed abnormal size & shape. This was done here in the town where i live and the doctors have limited knowledge & experience.

In March i ended up in the hospital in Portland, Oregon for the second time that year and they recorded 67 seizures. The doctors had MRIs done focused on the areas where the seizures started. They found dead brain tissue caused by lack of Oxygen during the seizures. MRIs were also done while i was in the hospital for left temporal lobectomy July 15 - Sept 7 up there in Portland. I don't know what all they found at that time.

RE: RE: MRI abnormalities?

Submitted by classy1g on Thu, 2005-05-05 - 07:50
Greulich,Thank you for responding. It is apparent you have alot of history there! I'm sure your MRI would have shown something. But what do doctors look for in the MRI, for patients that have epilepsy?Keep safe...classy

RE: RE: RE: MRI abnormalities?

Submitted by Yakota on Thu, 2005-05-05 - 09:57
Hi all. I am hoping that someone can answer a question for me please. The last MRI that I had done in Oct of 04 was abnormal. Apparently the indentaions (groves/ creases) on the surface of my brain are deeper and more defined than usual. My neuro used the name of what the abnomality was called. I can not remember what the word was that he used to describe this condition. But I do recall the medical term started with the letter "A?" The neuro didn't seem to know of what significance (if any) that these deep groves in my brain played in attributing to seizure. He acted like he had never seen deep defined lines in the brain before. Has anyone come across a simular situation or ever heard of this before? Any imput is deeply appreciated. Thanks. Blessings. Linda.

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