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Is not medicating EVER an option?

Thu, 02/02/2006 - 15:17
My neurologist *thinks* I am having seizures. I say *thinks* because he is not certain, and 3 EEGs and an MRI show nothing abnormal. My episodes have been occuring 3-4 times a year for 13 years (as long as I remember) and have not changed in that time, other that becoming more frequent in both pregnancies (about 2x month). I do not lose conciousness, they begin with deja vu and then a general feeling of "hey I've done this before". I get a little queesy, and after I feel like my head was squeezed and then released. They last less than 1 minute and I am able to talk, drive, read, and even teach a room full of 11 year olds without anyone knowing what is happening. I asked my OB about it this pregnancy, she sent me to the neuro, and the tests ensued. NOW, he has decided I should go on meds "just in case". Now, my sister has seizures as the result of a head injury and I have see what the meds do, but I have also done my own research, adn talked to other seizure patients so I know I'm not over reacting to the side effects. They aren't peachy. So, why is my doc acting like saying it is inconclusive and I should follow up anually to see if things change or progress, is not an option? I KNOW, in my case, that the risks and proccess of trial and error with these meds is worse for me than the episodes, but he just thinks that is the craziest thing ever. So, is it just him, or is not medicating EVER an option? Especially with the negative test results. Thanks for any input.


Re: Is not medicating EVER an option?

Submitted by babygurl on Thu, 2006-02-02 - 20:44
yes i know where your coming from i had those for 24 yrs but at age 18 they got worse i actually went into a fullblown seizure where i fell out but the de ja vu and the panic feeling i went through that it is seizures i was misdiagnosed for panic attack when no med for panic attacks helped my mom said these look like seizures so my neuro doc sent me to have a video eeg where they found it was comin from my right tempol then from there he sent me to a specialist in augusta ga.where i went through several test before i had right temporal lactomy surgery where i went from seizures everyday for up to 6 times a day we are talkin about the ones where u have the de ja vu feeling and all that i had those up to 6 times aday but now after surgery i have been seizure free april 7,06 will be 2 yrs since surgery and no seizures since then praise good i know what ur goin through sweetie i delt with that awful feeling every to every other day about 6 times aday it is not fun u can email me if u want [email protected]

Re: Is not medicating EVER an option?

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2006-02-08 - 07:09
Taking meds or not is a question everyone faces at some point and there is no one answer. Epilepsy and seizures, and their severity, can vary from one person to the next, thus you can't generalize from one person to the next. For some people, seizures can be 'benign' or a small problem that doesn't get worse. But for others, it can be unpredictable, get worse over time, or vary over time. The tough part is sorting out as best as one can, what each person should do. When talking to the doctor about options, asking about risks of treating and not treating is important, and include risks of seizures as well as risks of treatment side effects. Here's a link to questions to ask...and info on starting meds that you may find helpful, or at least a place to start. Resource Specialist

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