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Possible Simple Partial Seizures / Misdianosis / My Parents Aren't Worried

Sun, 03/01/2015 - 05:11


I am 20 years old and I have a history of epilepsy.  I had absense seizures as a young kid and a grand mal when I was six. I was on dilantin until I was 12 at which point my EGGs had become consecutively normal and I was taken off the meds.  I haven't worried about my past with epilepsy at all until recently.

For the past four years, I have experienced this deja vu feeling in which it is like I am trying to remember a very important and specific moment or dream.  The feeling is accompanied by a sense of dread and stomach butterflies, sometimes sweating, and irregular breathing and it typically lasts around one or two minutes.  I am not usually tired after them, and I am fully aware that they are happening.  I can inform other people when they occur, but I usually can't talk until I have the feeling that I've caught my breath.  I've even had them while driving with no loss of vision or motor control.  The episodes are sometimes triggered by things.  Some triggers I've noticed are riding on a bus and playing piano in my bedroom.  There isn't always a trigger though.  Sometimes I will just be sitting, even enjoying myself with friends, and the feeling will creep up on me, and I have to ride it out.

The worst episode I have had occured this past summer.  I had probably around 25 of these deja vu feelings in one day, one right after another, about 5 to 10 minutes apart.  After the 10th one, a headache came on, and I got really concerned.  My parents were out of town so I called my aunt, who is a nurse, and she told me that the hospital's best neurologist was working that evening.  So my grandmother drove me to the hospital.  I told the doctor about the deja vu.  He asked me if the feelings I had were the same ones as when I had a seizure, but I had my grand mal when I was six so I couldn't remember.  He was looking at me like I was losing it.  They ran an MRI and did some blood tests but found nothing out of the ordinary.  The only thing was that I was dehydrated.

That was a very special case.  I usually have at one episode a month, sometimes none, sometimes up to four or five.  Sometimes fatigue will accompany them, but most of the time I am just fine afterwards.  I have never tried really talking while they are happening, but I feel like I can't most of time because my breath feels short, like I'm very afraid.

The problem is that every time I have one of these episodes now, I get concerned and tell my parents, and because the doctors at the ER chalked it up to dehydration, their only response is to drink more water.  They also have a suspicion that it may be anxiety attacks from overworking myself at school, but I do not have a history of anxiety nor am I a generally anxious person.  I am concerned about my health, about this seemingly small problem to becoming worse or turning into another grand mal, but my parents won't help me find a neurologist to go to.  With my history of epilepsy, I feel that it is in my best interest to make SURE that this is not partial seizures, but my parents are in denial or something about it. They are content with the dehydration diagnoisis it seems. They also tell me to stop looking up my symptoms on the internet, but I feel like some of the posts in these forums are hitting the nail on the head for me.

Am I being a hypochondriac or does this sound like something of concern?  And also, if you have any sentiments, what should I do about my parents?




With your history of seizures

Submitted by just_joe on Wed, 2015-03-04 - 14:33
With your history of seizures then you do need a follow up. ER doctors do not always understand underlining reasons for issues.I was taken to a hospital because someone had called 911. The EMT's took me. The doctors there ran tests. But a EKG and blood tests do not tell anything about what is happening in the central nervious system.. Oh and the doctors said nothing about my Afib which should have been dected on the EKG. To them everything was ok. After hndreds of dollars they did nothig to resolve my issue. If they had left me alone I would have caught the next bus and walked in the door at home. I knew I had had a cluster of seizures. I also know that those seizures were over. I knew I could lay down and be fine in a few minutes. The stress I was put under didn't need to happen. A person can go without seizures for a longtime. But at times seizures can change. I had been written up for day dreaming in class. I was in the top 5 people in class when it came to pop quizes. about 2 years later U was diagnosed with epilepsy. In reality those day dreams were focal and absence seizures. It took ahving a grand mal seizure to really get an understanding of the different kinds of seizures a person can have and not know it. You do need to try and get to a specialist and have them check you out. 

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