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pseudo seizures / non-epiletic seizures

Mon, 03/28/2005 - 18:39

I need as much information on dealing w/ pseudo seizures as well as "regular" seizures.  The meds for "regular" seizures is not controlling them completely.  All tests (EEG, MRI, CT Scan, blood work) shows no seizure activity.  I am now being sent to MCV in Richmond, VA for an EEG/Video/Audio.  Docs are now saying that part of my problem in pseudo seizures.  I don't feel anxious / stressed... live a "normal" life - I am used to being on the go / very active got a PT job I love, grandkids, great husband, kids, etc. - must be something I am not aware of which is what I am having a very hard time with.  What is treatment for pseudo seizures?  Is there medication for this? 

Would appreciate any advice or insight anyone can give that suffers from this.  I have been having multiple seizures weekly for 2 months & end up in the ER and then home in bed for days from Rx and being so tired.  My life has come to a hault because of these seizures.  Therefore, I am becoming very depressed and want my life back.  

Karen / [email protected]



RE: pseudo seizures / non-epiletic seizures

Submitted by fishergal on Sat, 2005-03-26 - 09:15

Karen,  You didn't mention your age which might be very important.  Things change as we get older and as someone who has real seizures, but not a medical person, can tell you they do impact you in ways overt and subtle.

You may have had panic attack or anxiety tossed out at you.  I'm glad you aren't stopping there.  They cleared my brother of having a heart attack with all the tests, but he had responded to initial treatment for heart attack.  Blood sugar.  He had no blood sugar and it caused a full body migrane constricting his blood vessels so that his heart had to pump that much harder to move the blood.  He is severe hypoglcemic...opposite of diabectic.  I have been boarderline all my life.  While they check for diabetes, you must make them check for low blood sugar.

An older woman at work in her 60's recently discovered she has a genetic heart problem which was causing her to feel faint and dizzy.  Had it all her life, but it's just now showing up.

Also, not knowing your age, a sudden drop in hormones causes all sorts of grief.

Don't discount the anxiety, you may not know what it is yet.  But do persue all avenues of physical causes.  Good Luck!

Karen,  You didn't mention your age which might be very important.  Things change as we get older and as someone who has real seizures, but not a medical person, can tell you they do impact you in ways overt and subtle.

You may have had panic attack or anxiety tossed out at you.  I'm glad you aren't stopping there.  They cleared my brother of having a heart attack with all the tests, but he had responded to initial treatment for heart attack.  Blood sugar.  He had no blood sugar and it caused a full body migrane constricting his blood vessels so that his heart had to pump that much harder to move the blood.  He is severe hypoglcemic...opposite of diabectic.  I have been boarderline all my life.  While they check for diabetes, you must make them check for low blood sugar.

An older woman at work in her 60's recently discovered she has a genetic heart problem which was causing her to feel faint and dizzy.  Had it all her life, but it's just now showing up.

Also, not knowing your age, a sudden drop in hormones causes all sorts of grief.

Don't discount the anxiety, you may not know what it is yet.  But do persue all avenues of physical causes.  Good Luck!

RE: pseudo seizures / non-epiletic seizures

Submitted by knorton105 on Sat, 2005-03-26 - 13:27

Sorry about leaving out the age - 61 yrs old

again, any info is greatly appreciated!

Sorry about leaving out the age - 61 yrs old

again, any info is greatly appreciated!

RE: RE: pseudo seizures / non-epiletic seizures

Submitted by 38benny on Sat, 2005-03-26 - 16:49

Karen - I just wanted you to know that you will be in EXCELLENT hands at MCV! Thats where I had everything done from top to bottom - EVERY TEST YOU MENTIONED.  The doctors were wonderful and caring and they were always there for you no matter what happened. I couldn't have felt more secure.  When I went there I was 27 (now 32).  If you have any questions let me know. Good luck. My angels are looking out for you...  Angel JoAnne 

Karen - I just wanted you to know that you will be in EXCELLENT hands at MCV! Thats where I had everything done from top to bottom - EVERY TEST YOU MENTIONED.  The doctors were wonderful and caring and they were always there for you no matter what happened. I couldn't have felt more secure.  When I went there I was 27 (now 32).  If you have any questions let me know. Good luck. My angels are looking out for you...  Angel JoAnne 

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