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Relatively new to epilepsy and meds. A few important questions...

Fri, 12/26/2014 - 15:33


I'd like to share my background and see if the more seasoned veterans can shed some light.

Had my first seizure in 2007 during a period of extreme stress in my life.  They didn't take my license away or say anything in the hospital.  A few months later (still under stress) I had another one, and they put my on Dilantin.  The side effects weren't worth dealing with for me, so I just discontinued the pills and stopped driving.

Three years go by and I had another seizure.  Still didn't take meds, and a couple years later I had another.  Interesting that these last two happened when I tried "intermittent fasting" to keep body fat down.

A year ago I wanted to start driving so I started taking Lamictal.  All was well, but I had two seizures, each time the morning after I forgot to take pills.  I've heard that suddenly discontinuing Lamictal precipitates seizures even in people w/out epilepsy.

I've found out that hypoglycemia runs in my family.  I want to take a Glucose Tolerance test but the doctors at Kaiser refuse.  Had two  EEGs.  One was normal and another "had a spike so small that you could miss it."  The doctor I'm seeing is almost retired and seems "out of it" and not really caring about his job anymore.  A saw a younger doctor and he said that my EEG pattern is similar to one young children with seizures tend to get.  In every case doctors only seem to want to get me on meds and shoo me out the door.

I find it strange that I go years between seizures.  And I almost forgot: they've always happened around the same time, between 7:30-8:30 in the morning.


So anyway.  Anyone care to comment?  What would you guys do?  Is there anyone/anyplace better to look into for treatment?  I'm not gonna stay on Lamictal forever (already feeling side effects) but I still want a normal life.  I get a feeling that there's more going on here than just epilepsy.




If I were you I would find

Submitted by Kate J on Wed, 2014-12-31 - 12:53
If I were you I would find the type of doctor that can both ask and answer the right questions. Find a neurologist that specializes in epilepsy. 

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