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Seizure Possibly Caused by Cyst?

Sat, 07/05/2014 - 15:48

While driving a couple of weeks ago I had a seizure. It began with flashing/moving colored lights and shapes. This wasn't the first time I've experienced this. Ive always been able to sit down and rest until it went away. This time I woke up in an ambulance after a few grand mal seizures. Apparently the flashing lights have been partial seizures. I was given a head ct and an MRI and a (golf ball sized) 5cm cystic lesion was found in my parieto occipital lobe. I'm on keppra. I've seen a neurologist and now He has referred me to a neurosurgeon. What can I expect from here? Do I have epilepsy? Is the cyst causing the seizures? Surgery? I can't seem to get any concrete answers from the doctors I have talked to except that I can't drive for 6 months.


Welcome James The flashing

Submitted by just_joe on Sat, 2014-07-05 - 17:09
Welcome James The flashing lights are partial seizures and they could have cause the seizures. As for the neurosurgeon they may need th cist removed and it takes a neurosurgeon to do that. They may also be looking at the possiability of surgeory to stop your seizures since that is an option too. That would depend on many things.  I can't seem to get any concrete answers  I've seen a neurologist and now He has referred me to a neurosurgeon. What can I expect from here Is the cyst causing the seizures  Surgery?  Do I have epilepsy  I can't seem to get any concrete answers from the doctors I have talked to except that I can't drive for 6 months  As for driving. Well the reason is becasue it is law in all states that after a person has seizures their license is restricted. The laws are to protect the people. It may hinder you but think some. What could happen if you were driving and had a seizure? After a period of time without a seizure your license may be activated again. I'm on keppra  a few grand mal seizures  I hope this helps and you understand it does take time to get all the answers needed. For me it took close to 2 years to finally get the answers as to why I was having seizures. So I do know you want answers. I was a little different since I was a teen in jr high school. Oh and with me the doctors never answered my questions since they only talked to my Mom. Relax and I wouls also suggest you get the My Epilpesy Diary  it can be found on this site set yur mouse on th get help and look to the right . Watch the video which tells you how to just it and what it can do. Give your neurologist permission to bring it up and by doing that he can also see other things which can be used to come up with medications, dosages and other procedures. Good Luck Joe  

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