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Sleep deprivation EEG - Can you give me some details?

Thu, 07/07/2005 - 00:50
What was it like? Were they able to do some definitive diagnosing afterward? How do they keep you awake anyway - Do you stay awake at home and then go in? THank-you for your response!!!Elsea3 years ago I had an EEG without the sleep deprivation part, so it is just that one step that I need more info on.


RE: Sleep deprivation EEG - Can you give me some details?

Submitted by grez-monkey on Thu, 2005-07-07 - 00:22


All this is for is to try to get the patient to have a better chance of having seizures, so the eeg can pick it up when you have the seizure(s).

How is it done? The hospital staff just keep coming into the room where you're located and make sure that you are awake. Compared to everyone who has epilepsy and or are going through eeg testings, the strobe light, hyperventilating, and sleep deprivation are just three possible procedures used to help make the patient to induce their seizures. Another procedure can also be done, but only at the doctor's request, and that is being temporarily off your meds or at a lower dosage level while doing the eeg. What the sleep deprivation is doing is lowering your threshold to a point where most people will have variable seizures.

Pretty much the same thing you did 3 years ago, but this time you'll be staying in the hospital for several days or so. Know about all this from experience because I've gone through 3 video eegs myself.

Take something along to keep you occupied and awake because the timeframe is going to be dragged out very slowly.

Good luck, and my hope is that you will have a seizure while being on the eeg, so they can crerate a more accurate diagnosis. Then advance with necessary treatments.

Bruce J


All this is for is to try to get the patient to have a better chance of having seizures, so the eeg can pick it up when you have the seizure(s).

How is it done? The hospital staff just keep coming into the room where you're located and make sure that you are awake. Compared to everyone who has epilepsy and or are going through eeg testings, the strobe light, hyperventilating, and sleep deprivation are just three possible procedures used to help make the patient to induce their seizures. Another procedure can also be done, but only at the doctor's request, and that is being temporarily off your meds or at a lower dosage level while doing the eeg. What the sleep deprivation is doing is lowering your threshold to a point where most people will have variable seizures.

Pretty much the same thing you did 3 years ago, but this time you'll be staying in the hospital for several days or so. Know about all this from experience because I've gone through 3 video eegs myself.

Take something along to keep you occupied and awake because the timeframe is going to be dragged out very slowly.

Good luck, and my hope is that you will have a seizure while being on the eeg, so they can crerate a more accurate diagnosis. Then advance with necessary treatments.

Bruce J

RE: Sleep deprivation EEG - Can you give me some details?

Submitted by aly_m on Thu, 2005-07-07 - 00:50
When I had my sleep deprived EEGs I stayed at home...they told me to stay up all night, and then in the morning at like 9 I was driven to the doctors office and given a regular EEG. they also made me sleep for a while to see what was going on in my brain while I was asleep. I kept awake by listening to music and surfing the net actually ;) and I had people to talk to online so that made it a little easier. I did ask my mom to check on me to make sure I wasn't asleep though :) I have JME so they did see abnormality in the sleep deprived EEG compared to the regular one. As far as definitive diagnosing I am not so sure. I hope this helped a little bit !-Aly

RE: Sleep deprivation EEG - Can you give me some details?

Submitted by txrhb1 on Thu, 2005-07-07 - 14:00

Hi Elsea,

My sleep deprived EEG was like Aly's.  I stayed at home and had to stay awake all night, then go in and have my EEG.

The only other time I've had this was when I was in the hospital for VEEG, and they sleep deprived me several nights.

I don't know if they got a definitive diagnosis the first time, other than it proved I was having seizures. 


Hi Elsea,

My sleep deprived EEG was like Aly's.  I stayed at home and had to stay awake all night, then go in and have my EEG.

The only other time I've had this was when I was in the hospital for VEEG, and they sleep deprived me several nights.

I don't know if they got a definitive diagnosis the first time, other than it proved I was having seizures. 


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