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Was it epilesy?

Fri, 04/10/2015 - 08:18

I am 26 years old now. When I was about 11 years old,there were two events that led my diagnosis of epilesy by local doctor (non neurological professional). The two events happened in two successive nights and the situations were almost the same. It was not long after I feel asleep, my mom found me clenching teeth, with eyes open (showing the whites of my eyes).She called my name and I was able to give ambiguous responses. On the way to the hospital, I was able to put arms around my father's neck. I woke up before we got there. According to their description, it was as if I was awoken from a sound sleep. There were no stiffness, convulsion, nor foaming at the mouth. On the third morning, the doctor ordered an EEG, and the result was "abnormal". Then, the doctor prescripted carbamazepine for me, no further tests were taken. I had taken that medicine for 6 months until my mom stop it for fear of severe side-effects. It is more than 15 years now since I stopped taking medicine. During this long period of time,I had been eating, sleeping and growing like normal children, with no special care,and no accident or epileptic symptom had happened. Because misdiagnose can happen sometimes in my county. Now, I am uncertain about my health. Is there any method that can help me confirm my condition? Should I take special care like those who suffer from epilesy?


The doctor diagnosed you with

Submitted by just_joe on Sat, 2015-04-11 - 18:32
The doctor diagnosed you with epilepsy and the diagnosis was correct. All it takes to diagnosis a person with epilepsy is 2 seizures. The EEG also shows abnormalities which would be spikes or waves. Now a person can outgrow epilepsy and some peoples thresholds are high enough to not have any more seizures. If you haven't taken medications in years and are living a normal life then why question it. My cousin is one of the people that grew out of it. She no longer takes meds and has had a great life. She too remembers her seizures. Just as I remember mine. But epilepsy does not run in the family.  By uncertain about your health why would that be??? A person with epilepsy is like any other person that has an illness that can't be seen. If you had a heart attack would you be questioning your health if it was years ago and everything was normal now?  Use some common sense.  If you haven't had a seizure in that period of time then you may never have one.

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