Community Forum Archive

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Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

Epileptic seizures on same date

12/2011 | 0 Comments

Hi, This is Deb from Bangalore, India. Straight to the point - I have recently encountered three cases of epileptic seizures (one of my cousin sister...
Waiting for week-long Video EEG

12/2011 | 1 Comments

Hi there! I have been struggling with neurological issues for a year and a half now. It's taken a while to figure out what's going on- numerous tests...
is this a simple partial seizure?

12/2011 | 2 Comments

I am a 19 year old female, since I was about 14/15 I have been suffering from something a bit strange and difficult to describe. The episodes come on...
Seizures or Headaches

12/2011 | 0 Comments

I hope someone can help....Im a 30 year old female and have been dealing with these episodes for four years now and looking for some answers. They...
First Siezure

12/2011 | 5 Comments

Last week thursday i aparently had a siezure at college walking towards the classroom door i fell to the ground classmates say i turned purple and...
Dravet Syndrome Help please.

11/2011 | 0 Comments

anyone that can help me out with any information about Dravet Syndrome alternative ways of treating would be greatly appreciate it. 7 Years old...
Petit Mal Seizures or something else?

11/2011 | 6 Comments

I am in a strange situation with doctors. I have been seeing my Neurologist for almost 2 years now and we have conducted batteries of tests to rule...
reaction to strobe lights

11/2011 | 1 Comments

My son is 20 months old, and has had two grand mal seizures recently. When he was a baby (well I guess he's still kind of a baby lol) he used to have...
sleep deprived EEG nap or no nap before?

11/2011 | 6 Comments

Hi, I have a sleep-deprived EEG coming up, and am told I can nap for 4 hours prior to the test. Anti-seizure medications are somewhat sleep-inducing...
Not sure what to think

11/2011 | 0 Comments

I hope someone can help....Im a 30 year old female and have been dealing with these episodes for four years now and looking for some answers. They...
Struggling undiagnosed 19yr old

11/2011 | 3 Comments

Hi everyone, this is my first time ever on this site but i saw other peoples posts and was hoping someone on here has gone through what I'm suffering...

11/2011 | 0 Comments

Hello everyone! Let me start off by obviously I am not making any decisions without speaking with a neurologist, however I would just like some advice...
Electrical Shock in Head

11/2011 | 0 Comments

I was unable to respond to the intitial post on Electric shock in Head so I started another one so that I could respond. I too have had the feeling of...
need help feeling so lonely

11/2011 | 3 Comments

hi my 8 yr old girl has been having seizures for 3 yrs now. She can go months without having any and then have 2 or 3 in the space of 3 weeks. She has...
Lamotrigine affects EEG results, right?

11/2011 | 1 Comments

I recently saw a new neurologist because I've moved to a new city. My first impression is mixed, although I want to give him the benefit of the doubt...

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