Community Forum Archive

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Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

Panic attack or seizure?

10/2006 | 2 Comments

I am not sure if it was an awful panic attack or...something more. I don't remember much, but here is what "went down." 1600: Get out of school and...
why a VEEG?

10/2006 | 2 Comments

Why do some people go through a VEEG? to establish a diagnosis of Epilepsy? to find out if their medication is effective in controlling their Epilepsy...
VEEG and Seizures

10/2006 | 4 Comments

WHen you have the 3 or 4 day VEEG you know you are having a seizure when the machine records OR are you surprised when they tell you that you...
Smoking ..

10/2006 | 15 Comments

Me again .. I was just wondering if anyone has seen a increase of activity or severity when they stopped smoking (ciggis) or similar. Ta! :o)
I'm new and need some direction ..

10/2006 | 11 Comments

Hello All, Long story short - I have been diagnosed with Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia and Dissociative disorder for around 7 years. At the beginning of...

09/2006 | 4 Comments

What does sleep deprivation they keep you up all do they do some people have seizure activity on the veeg...
Seizures and sleep disorders

09/2006 | 2 Comments

Does anyone know how sleep disorders play on seizures. My daughter has been diagnosed with partial seizures. It appears that a sleep disorder came on...

09/2006 | 1 Comments

Hi I need a little bit of education. I went to see a seizure specialist today and he had me hyperventilate which caused me to have an episode. Can...

09/2006 | 4 Comments

This evening I had a MRI. I was pretty nervous, because I am afraid that they won't find anything. So while I was in there she said on the intercom,...
EEG said epilepsy

09/2006 | 13 Comments

This is all we have. Our 6 year old daughter was ill, fell over backwards, eyes open, for about a minute. We rushed her to the ER, they did blood work...

09/2006 | 0 Comments

Does anyone know the total 'points' you can score in a WADA test? My left got a 9 and my right(the bad side) got a 5.5 - guess I just lost my excuse...
Tonic Clonic with weird eeg results

09/2006 | 0 Comments

Hello everyone, I had a test a while ago to see if we could catch me having a sez. espailly a tonic clonic, and we did. Well the thing is the doctor...
mri and vagus nerve stimulators

09/2006 | 6 Comments

I have recently become aware of the fda warnings regarding mri-caused injuries in patients with implanted neurological stimulators, such as the vagus...
I don't have epilepsy... do I?

09/2006 | 4 Comments

For the last 6 months I've been having dizzy spells and felt extremely anxious - having atleast 3 panic attacks that I can think of. So, I've been...
epilepsy research report

09/2006 | 4 Comments

Just for information the following link ( will take you to an interview on epilepsy research, eeg readings and imaging...
Lexapro and Seizures

08/2006 | 1 Comments

I was "diagnosed" a year ago with anti-epileptic seizures. By a doctor that hardly did any tests like a MRI or Veeg etc. He was not a specialist in...
Anyone Else??

08/2006 | 14 Comments

I have been having seizures for about 10 years now. I am 32. Everyone else seems to know the type of seizures they have and why they have them, etc. I...
Epilepsy Protocol MRI

08/2006 | 6 Comments

Can anyone explain what the difference on this type of MRI is and why after 3 years of having about 10 MRI's that I wouldn't have had one already?My...

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