Community Forum Archive

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Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

Unsure, could use some guidance

05/2017 | 5 Comments

So I have an MRI and EEG scheduled for next week but I have this feeling that what ever has been happening to me isn't seizures. I work at a big...
Grew out of seizures within months?!

05/2017 | 5 Comments

Last September I noticed my infant daughter (11 months old at the time) was having these staring episodes. She would stop in her tracks, start staring...

05/2017 | 3 Comments

This is the first time I've posted here. For the past 4 years I've had these random "attacks" during class. As I child I had seizures but I have no...
Can Medication Interfere with Diagnosis?

04/2017 | 10 Comments

I posted this question in response to an article somewhere on this site about neurological exams, but, in the interest of getting answers, I don't...
What do you think of this seizure?

04/2017 | 7 Comments

My daughter is 21 months old. She had her 18 month vaccines on Wednesday. She had a low grade fever all day Thursday. I noticed her fever rise around...
Help with my EEG results

04/2017 | 1 Comments

Hello! I recently fainted and had what appeared to be a seizure. The ER just dismissed it as syncope but my primary care doc ordered some additional...
Is it possible?

04/2017 | 2 Comments

I started seeing my epileptologist back in August of last year and have been placed on Keppra (1,000 mg daily) to treat seizures he think I am having...
Could this be epilepsy?

04/2017 | 1 Comments

Hi everyone! I've had numerous tests to try to figure out what's causing me to pass out, but no doctor can give me an answer. As I was doing research...
Physiologjcal or psychological?

04/2017 | 2 Comments

Hi. I'm a 25yo female and I had my first seizure about two months ago. It was a full-blown tonic clonic. I blacked out and became unresponsive for...
Should I get a second opinion?

04/2017 | 4 Comments

Hi last December I spent a week in the seizure monitoring unit. My first eeg indicated temporal lobe abnormalities (right after one happened) but the...
3 month old baby having focal seizures

04/2017 | 3 Comments

My baby is three months old and has been hospitalized since March 17. She began showing little jerking movements a little after her two month vaccines...
My son may have epilepsy

03/2017 | 6 Comments

I have a family history of epilepsy. My sister had undiagnosed absence seizures her whole childhood and grand mal starting when she was 14. She was...
Were these seizures?

03/2017 | 1 Comments

When I was a child probably 8 or so I remember something strange happening. I was in the living room at night watching TV with my brother, we would...
Epilepsy or Migraine or Some Other

03/2017 | 5 Comments

Hi, Past Medical Issue : I had migraine at the age of 15 to 20. I am 34 and I do not have migraine at all. At Present : From the age of 21, I started...
I really need help

02/2017 | 0 Comments

Hi, So I've been on here a lot, usually posting about muscle problems (my doc says they're JME jerks). However, I also have a flicker in my vision...
Tonsilitis not epilepsy?? Desperate!!

02/2017 | 4 Comments

Hello My daughter has recently been diagnosed with epilepsy ... but i am convinced its her enlarged tonsils causing the seizures and not epilepsy...
Seizures but not epilipetic?

02/2017 | 0 Comments

I am 24 years old and was taken to emergency several weeks ago after colapsing and having repeated seizures lasting around 45 seconds to a minute each...
New testing for epilepsy

02/2017 | 0 Comments

I was diagnosed with complex partial 19 years ago. I was diagnosed through various EEG tests as an inpatient and outpatient. It took a long time to...

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