Community Forum Archive

The Epilepsy Community Forums are closed, and the information is archived. The content in this section may not be current or apply to all situations. In addition, forum questions and responses include information and content that has been generated by epilepsy community members. This content is not moderated. The information on these pages should not be substituted for medical advice from a healthcare provider. Experiences with epilepsy can vary greatly on an individual basis. Please contact your doctor or medical team if you have any questions about your situation. For more information, learn about epilepsy or visit our resources section.

Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

Chronic Headaches and Epilepsy

02/2017 | 0 Comments

I have been treated for tension headaches and migraines since 2009. I was diagnosed with JME when I was 13. I'm currently on 150 topamax and 500...
Do I have epilepsy really?

01/2017 | 1 Comments

I was diagnosed as having seizures before I was a year old. After 1 year old I stopped having them and the doctors conclusion was that I outgrew them...
Epileptic attack or something else

01/2017 | 0 Comments

My brother (22 years old; 180 cm, 6 feet; 90 kg, 198 lbs) and I returned in the gym after 2 weeks absence due to flu. He ate around 5 hours before the...
Eeg results

01/2017 | 1 Comments

My daughter had a seizure the other day so I took her to ER ct was normal blood work was normal . The refer her to get eeg by the way my daughter just...
Migraines/Partial Seizure

01/2017 | 0 Comments

My 20 year old son has constant 24/7 brain fog and confusion. Anxiety of course makes things worse. Was diagnosed with atypical migraines...
Can't diagnose seizures, please help

01/2017 | 0 Comments

My grandmother started experiencing seizures 3 summers ago. She's never had them in her life and all of a sudden started having them. She only has...
Am I epileptic or not? (confused)

01/2017 | 1 Comments

So, im struggling to find out whether I am actually epileptic or not, as different neurologists had different opinions. My background is as follows: -...

01/2017 | 2 Comments

The other day my doctor told me he thought I was having some kind of absences seizure or an arrhythmia. So I went home and did a little bit of...
Seizures when urinating or showering?

12/2016 | 1 Comments

I typically have my seizures while just in the bathroom, showering or on the toilet. Is this common? I have read several posts that mention they were...
Help interpreting EEG report please

12/2016 | 0 Comments

Hi. I've just been copied in on a letter from my Neurologist to my GP about the results of my recent EEG test. Does anyone know what this might mean?...
Deja Vu Attacks

12/2016 | 2 Comments

Hi, I'm posting here hopefully to receive some advice from those in the know. Earlier this week I caught a dose of gastroenteritis, this kept me house...
Abnormal EEG, no seizures. Worried.

12/2016 | 0 Comments

I am a 22 year old female, about 5 years ago I was admitted to a psychiatric clinic due to problems I faced at home with family. Psychiatrist so there...
MRI, EEG & Possible Surgery

12/2016 | 0 Comments

This is my first time posting so I hope this is the right section. Anyways, I was diagnosed with primary generalized epilepsy after my first seizure...

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