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Wed, 12/01/2010 - 23:01
I was at the store yesterday and the last thing I remember was looking at clothing, the next thing I know I'm in my car driving home, about a mile away from the store. I don't remember at all, i mean nothing, about how long I was in the store, leaving, finding and getting into my car, or driving the mile or so. I was mentally ok as soon as I came out of it. Today it happened again. I was leaving my Dr's and rememeber getting into my car and backing out, next thing I new I was on the road. I don't recall stopping at he stop sign, how long I was there for, or making the turn onto the road. These do not feel like seizures though. Has anyone ever had this happen? Are they a form of a seizure? Thanks


Re: blackout?

Submitted by momof3boysinnebraska on Thu, 2010-12-02 - 15:02
Ive had seizures where Ive passed out and woke up with headaches, my jaw hurting, and being tired. But Ive never been awake and had something like that happen before. I would be calling your neurologist and telling them about this ASAP. Im glad no one got hurt while you were driving and this took place. The last thing I want to hear is you or another person getting hurt. Please get ahold of your dr ASAP and let them know of this.

Re: blackout?

Submitted by zealot on Thu, 2010-12-02 - 16:08
Dreamer, Been there, done that. It's not necessarily pathological, it happens to people all the time who get "hypnotized" on the road and get home on "autopilot." It can be scary though. I'm pretty sure with me it's seizure related. It is a dissociative process and that involves the temporal lobes. It can be trauma related, too, but I believe that temporal lobe epileptiform activity and dissociation are cause and effect. There are studies that seem to have disappeared showing epileptiform activity in subjects experienceing dissociative episodes. I believe that dissociative episodes are temporal lobe seizures. What you experienced may or may not be a seizure and it certainly is normal. It happens to lots of people. Unless it causes you problems like running stop signs or walking into walls, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I would tell your neuro though. All the best. Baruch Hashem. Hoshia na. Devorah Zealot Soodak the zealot needs help! I just added this quickie post. It explains the Hebrew that I use before I sign my name. P.S. Please read my blog. Thanks. P.P.S. Please click here to read my latest post. P.P.P.S. Please click here to read my featured post.

Re: blackout?

Submitted by Sammi on Tue, 2010-12-07 - 07:14


       I recently had that happen. Usually I have Grand Mal but 2 weeks ago I had a awake seizure and what as frightening was that I took my dog and  I drove to my mothers saying I had been in Texas. I live in Missouri. I knew after my awakening I had some sort of seizure because I wet myself and I hurt really bad plus I felt like I could go back into another.  I dont drink nor do drugs because that would be stupid but I am now Post Menaupasal and everytime I start emotionally getting it together snap this happens and you know people have no tolerance on my memorary lapse. I dont feel like a freak for having this but I do get angry with myself for forgetting words because I had a 4.0 GPA in college. I have no signs prior and I had my dog chained up outside. If I lose my independance I would just as soon die and this is not self pity its fact. Please someone help to explain or help me.... [email protected]


       I recently had that happen. Usually I have Grand Mal but 2 weeks ago I had a awake seizure and what as frightening was that I took my dog and  I drove to my mothers saying I had been in Texas. I live in Missouri. I knew after my awakening I had some sort of seizure because I wet myself and I hurt really bad plus I felt like I could go back into another.  I dont drink nor do drugs because that would be stupid but I am now Post Menaupasal and everytime I start emotionally getting it together snap this happens and you know people have no tolerance on my memorary lapse. I dont feel like a freak for having this but I do get angry with myself for forgetting words because I had a 4.0 GPA in college. I have no signs prior and I had my dog chained up outside. If I lose my independance I would just as soon die and this is not self pity its fact. Please someone help to explain or help me.... [email protected]

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